2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

the DOJ complaint against apple actually uses “social stigma” as a reason to take action? lol give me a fucking break garland jesus fucking christ no wonder it took so long to do anything about trump he’s been busy handwringing about green fucking bubbles

seriously tho the app store situation is pretty much a mafia racket


Banning sports betting because of things like Jontay Porter Under 3 Threes is like banning stock ownership due to an insider trading conviction. The idea that we got along just fine with prohibition when this has been a revenue source for organized criminals that whole time makes no sense.


This bridge collapse is really insane, good thing was middle of the night I guess. Makes it look like ship managed to directly hit one the two main supports. Think a lot of places they build pretty big barriers around those two or almost like an island of rocks?

Probably could use its own thread. With a ship this large I’m not sure a standard barrier or small area of rocks would have stopped the collision, but I’m guessing every port city is going to be evaluating preventative measures in the coming days. These container ships are absolutely massive. The entire situation is so terrible.

Yeah that’s a good point, I imagine the original contact point of top of ship might extend hundred feet further out in front of ship than the water contact point that would hit rocks or whatever so even if rocks could hypothetically stop it would take a prohibitively massive island

looks like the boat lost power while navigating near the bridge

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I gotta disagree here. They intentionally worsened the functionality on one of the core tasks people use phones for when dealing with competitors phones. That’s kind of a textbook example of anticompetitive behavior.

Yeah I’m actually taking back my ambivalence. Sports betting should be legal, but advertising it shouldn’t be and neither should any kind of player selection by sports books. If you’re going to take bets you have to offer the same odds to everyone in a regulated way and you have to pay out when you lose a bet period.

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so if apple made a messaging app that only talked to other users of that app, would that be a problem? E.g. facebook messenger doesn’t send messages to wechat etc.

Walk me through why the apple messenger app isn’t available on every mobile device in exactly the same form. Show me why that isn’t just really obvious anti competitive behavior where they make the native messaging software on their phone not available on other types of phones.

I see what you’re saying but also isn’t the whole motivation of making a better product that you can charge more for it or encourage people to buy your product instead of someone else?

I’m not particularly tech savvy and I’ve always been super happy with iPhones as they seem made for people who just want to turn it on and know it will do what I want and don’t mind paying more for that convenience

That was just one of the examples of Apple doing this type of thing pretty much every place they could. I think they lose this because they deserve to lose it on the facts. But who knows they probably own a lot more politicians and judges than Donald lol.

I’m sure they do lot of stuff I’m not even aware of, just strikes me as a little funny that it’s the company where most consumers love their products getting this legal heat instead of Comcast or a health insurance company or whatever

The difference is that sports betting is terrible and ruining sports on TV, so we should seize on any reason to kill it.

I could care less about sports/gambling cheats. I want it banned because it’s a social cancer, it’s a regressive tax on people that are poor, stupid, and bad at math, it drags people into poverty, and the fact that is so easily accessible now to everyone is a net negative to society.

this feels like a goalpost maneuver. first you were talking about their app interacting with other apps, now you’re talking about what platforms they build the app for.

Nobody has ever had a problem with apple making apps only for its own devices

You could say the same about drugs but when there is a undeniable demand (drugs, gambling, prostitution) then it will be better if there is government regulated access.
The criminal dealers on the corner don’t care if their customers are minors. Licensed businesses do.
Then there is all the violence that comes with organized crime.

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regardless if you want to go after apple, the app store is such a clear-cut case of damage to actual consumers and basically a protection racket, they should put the effort there rather than “I feel less cool when I have a green bubble”

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