2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Kamala Got Her Vibes Back With a Miller High Life

Thomas totally wink-signaled to her that she should do this in that decision.

Guys we’re fine. There’s a lot of precedent! Also if this decision is applied in good faith Hunter’s conviction must be tossed too!!!

Looking like JD Vance will be America’s next Emperor.

CNN sounds like Fox News right now. Talking about what a gangster and a genius Trump is, how iconic the raised fist image is, how this is the most iconic political picture ever and the second most iconic moment they can remember is Dubya throwing a strike on the first pitch.

Unfortunately I don’t think they’re wrong. That photograph is absolutely iconic and given the context of the character Trump has created for himself, managing to pull that off was incredibly perfect for him. He could not have scripted or staged a better event and photo. Also CNN has been FoxLite for years, haven’t they?

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They have, and they’re arguably more damaging, because they are still viewed as a liberal network. So they have shifted the Overton Window a lot.

With them talking like this, I might be underselling Trump’s chances against Biden (98% was my number).

Ah well, preparations to flee the country if needed will commence soon.

I was just thinking this morning how funny it’s going to be when Hunter is serving like 5 years in federal prison because Joe does the right thing and doesn’t pardon him while Trump just skates on everything.

When they go low, we go high!

When they go low, we go to jail!

Don’t know what you’ve seen from the Bidens these past few weeks to make you think that they are above pardoning Hunter in Joe’s last few days in office. Only saying grace is that the Trump DOJ will absolutely bring a fresh set of well deserved charges against him.

Lmao even MSNBC is going hard in the paint for the new moderate Trump, who is definitely going to appeal to unity and bring America together.

While the “moderate Trump” pivot seems like savvy politics, I would also say there’s a chance that almost getting shot in the head may have (temporarily) changed his personality.

Shockingly Joe Biden’s polling is not actually improving


Running double digits behind the Dem senate candidates is pretty wild.

How stupid do you have to be to vote for a dem senate candidate but also orange Hitler?


I’m not voting for Trump but I’m just not voting at all for president this cycle. I’ll vote downballot but fuck the dems for doing this to us.

That being said I’m in a Trump +30 state so my vote doesn’t matter.

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Just stupid enough to believe the US is inherently better than other countries and immune to tyranny. If you believe our institutions are infallible and will protect us, then going with the wannabe dictator because he’s not as senile while trying to put a check on him with the Senate makes sense.

Problem is, our institutions aren’t magical. Other problem is Biden is obviously selfish and craves power himself.

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Lollll… They’re probably going to have him perform Many Men. Nothing says unity like a performance about how the radical leftists want to kill you.



Rubio and Burgum out as VP. I assume the only suckers who thought either would be VP were Rubio and Burgum. So sounds like Vance or Youngkin, although I still think going off the board is in play. But I’ve always expected it to be Vance.

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Ungender the insult towards Jill and it is indeed a message that the whole country can rally around!