2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Kamala Got Her Vibes Back With a Miller High Life

The only way he’s releasing delegates is if he has a medical emergency or dies.

Guy who is older than Biden says he’s not concerned

This is way too good of a plan for the Dems to ever execute

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Can Barack’s heretofore unknown twin, Sharack Obama step in and run?

Obama backing him makes me think this is the case. Biden won’t back out, the party will splinter when people pressure him, and we get a curb stomping of epic proportions.

Haven’t read the article but it says something that it exists.

Don’t know how Barack can say with a straight face that this doesn’t also apply to Joe, “someone who only cares about himself.”

Honestly betting opposite the panic seems like an obvious play.

Bill Clinton and Obama circling the wagons. If he doesn’t die he’s the nominee, period.

Well since energy is the only thing that matters apparently yeah. No idea if her opinion on the very hungry caterpillar book would hold up to scrutiny


Man I fully appreciate the copium that a few brave souls are huffing. But.

If you watched the first 10 minutes of the debate last night, you know deep in your heart the reality of the situation.

To paraphrase the political icon Jersey Shore’s JWoww: “He stays on the ballot, we get our ass beat. He steps down, we get our ass beat.”

It is a lost cause, and frankly I am left thinking less about the election and more about how he shouldn’t even be President of the United States today. Like, that guy is supposed to be the Chief Executive of the most powerful nation in the world? It brings me no pleasure, but if a Republican president presented in public that completely diminished, confused, and withered, I’d feel pretty strongly that he or she should resign.

I’ll vote for the husk of Joe Biden when he’s up against a literal Dollar Tree Nazi, but come on there is no way that you can be windmill jamming that lever after what you saw with your own eyes last night.

I still think if he steps down, Newsom or Whitmer or Shapiro or Buttigieg smoke Trump. They’ll run a competent (abortion and healthcare and middle class) campaign and do so coherently. Trump will look unhinged, and suddenly HE will be the way too old guy.

Most Americans are furious that our options are Biden and Trump. Replacing Biden is a winning move.

Problem is, of course, that he doesn’t want to drop out.


First post-debate poll I’ve seen, Trump gets a net 10-point bounce.


Was just hanging out with a group of boomer dems in a bar in a swing state. 100% all thought Biden needed to step aside and multiple had anecdotes of their Dem children who have said they’re not voting if Biden is the nominee after last night.

So everyone should be very aware of exactly what we’re facing here.

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Yeah we’re fucked if Biden doesn’t step aside

Oh you think legit national polls get done before 1pm pacific?

Dude it’s over.

Serious question: did you watch the first 10 minutes of the debate in its entirety? You mentioned just seeing clips and reaction.

I would be very surprised if you watched Biden stroke out and felt so assured that this is No Big Deal, but I could be wrong.

Biden staffers are stopping attendees at a Vegas rally with Kamala from talking to the press if they say anything negative about Biden lol… A+, no notes.