2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Kamala Got Her Vibes Back With a Miller High Life

Kind of shocked it’s “only” 570!

It passed the house by a vote of 360-58. The most deplorable members of congress voted against banning it (Gaetz, MTG, etc.). I’m just not buying this is censorship. There was smoke and fire here.

So in the PA primary Trump only got 83 percent of the vote. Haley pulled 155,000 votes despite dropping out quite a bit ago. By contrast, Biden got 95 percent.

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Though also voting against it were the best members of congress, so it’s not that black and white.

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None has been made public whatsoever, and it would be pretty easy to do.

I think people are trying to read tea leaves here too much and infer some secret intelligence briefings when in fact the vote is so overwhelmingly in one direction that a lot of people are going to cast a vote more for political reasons than for principled ones

Did people vote by mail before she dropped out? If not… all the Vinces.

Saw Johnson showing up at Columbia confronting protest situation. Seems kinda interesting from strategic point. Guess GOP goal is just to stoke the fire as much as possible but also seems they giving an out for young folks to be able to come home to Biden with understanding GOP is genuinely worse

This was posted by a Ukrainian on Twitter. That’s why pro-Ukraine is circled in red.
The user bases of Tik-Tok and Instagram are not identical so we have to be careful to draw conclusions but would anybody be surprised if a Chinese company suppresses content frowned upon by the CCP?

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Would I be surprised? Ehh not really I guess. But I also think you’d need a lot more info before being able to draw conclusions like that chart is trying to do. Are the user bases of Instagram and TikTok interchangeable? What is the average age on each platform? I’d guess that TikTok is a good bit younger on average, which is why pop culture, sports, and domestic politics/movements get more traction than the more abstract far off foreign affairs issues. A lot more millenials care about or could even explain the gloabal impacts of issues regarding Uyghurs, Tiananmen Square, Taiwan, Ukraine etc than Gen Z kids.

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No I wouldn’t, but even if so, none of that is actually pushing dangerous content on Americans. This is kind of my point, the US social media companies are almost certainly suppressing (Xitter certainly is) stuff that is viewed by them as bad for American (read: corporate and wealthy) interests. TikTok may be doing that for stuff that is bad for Chinese interests. The homegrown social media companies are doing far more damage to the American electorate with what they’re suppressing.

I’d also echo what Coasterbrad said. A more informative chart might show similar geopolitical content from other regions.

Last, but certainly not least, the TikTok algorithm is better and I would expect posts on TikTok to be somewhat more correlated to what people want (trying to get views) given that’s how the algo works. So it could also be creators just not posting stuff they don’t see demand for. Other social media algos are more follower based, so once you have a following you can post whatever and it’ll get views.

This a complete aside and irrelevant to the banning but something about Tik Tok has convinced like 90% the 16-30yo population that they either 1) have autism 2) are suffering systemic gaslighting in every relationship they ever have. Something unique about TikTok because these topics essentially never came up pre TikTok

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That’s an interesting one. IME there’s a lot more gaslighting than people realize, because often people break off relationships at the first transgression without thinking too hard about the root cause. So I would say the number of people who have experienced at least some gaslighting is way higher than the number of people who realize it.

I assume the reason a lot of people might be thinking about it right now is that, “Who the fuck did I marry?” series of TikToks that went viral.

I also wouldn’t be shocked if in 50 years it’s discovered that instead of like 1% of people being “on the spectrum” it’s more like 20% and the range of “on the spectrum” is way wider and includes a lot of mild eccentricities. I think there’s a pretty good chance that a lot of things we’ve categorized narrowly and binarily are much broader and non-binary.

Like, imagine trying to explain our current understanding of human sexuality to someone 100 years ago.

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But it wasn’t even a phrase that even existed in common language. I know things rise and fall in language all the time but it straight up came from the abyss, I know the rise starts pre tik tok. Here a comparison to an actual psychology term just as a baseline.

I think the term came into popularity because of Trump.


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More do nothing


Oh dear lord, people are stupid, including the young we hope will vote in great numbers

I saw this on the broadcast, really disheartening.

I did notice near the end the Trumpy kid was like “yes abortion is going to be a huge issue for young voters and Biden should totally lean into that.”


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