2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Kamala Got Her Vibes Back With a Miller High Life



Have we seen video or photos of Trump since the rally? I’m kind of surprised he hasnt made a big deal about his big boy bullet wound and paraded around a bandaged ear like a soldier returning from war.

oh you better believe it’s coming

and it will be worse than anyone could ever conceive

Yeah the fact that he hasn’t Truthed out a picture is peculiar.

So apparently JD isn’t a big hit with the online Nazis.


I was going to say something about his wife not being White but withheld.

JD Vance is a pure opportunist. I can actually think of much worse people to be Trumps running mate simply because I know JD isn’t in any way a true believer in anything. He’s just going to do what establishment Washington politicians usually do and sell out for the max like he’s done like six times already.

I’m sure RNC going to be well scripted but going to be little interesting to hear Trumps musing when he gets back to meandering talks about electrifying sharks. Wouldn’t shock me if he says AR15 is for pathetic losers or something

I’m still not used to America’s #1 online Nazi being Hispanic. Only in America, I guess.

@CaffeineNeeded already debunked these polls that have D Senate candidates running 10 pts ahead of Biden.

Debunked them in what way?

In the same way that CPI has been debunked as a valid economic indicator in the “is the economy actually good” thread. You just say it’s not true.

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He seemed to stand out when they were freshmen, dressed in wide-legged jeans and SpongeBob T-shirts, Ms. Grooms said. She said some students teased him about his hygiene and awkward, solitary bearing.

“Those other kids would always say, ‘Hey, look at the school shooter over there!’” Ms. Grooms said. “They would tease him about his poor hygiene, his body odor. He was an easy target.”

Eventually he started wearing neutral-colored clothing, she said, and T-shirts with American flags. He sometimes wore camouflage, but so did many other students in a school with a rifle club, and in a region where hunting is a popular pastime.

Well at least we’re spared a Vance presidency for the forseeable future.

he’s 5’7"

NYT had a streaming feed on home page and I didn’t listen but Trump looking pretty tired. Nothing too wild in the bandage department just white bandage on ear

Ear infection

You got your wires crossed. I think CPI is accurate. cW does not.

I didn’t attempt to say or even come close to say I debunked anything. Just don’t think the polls will reflect reality in the end, that’s my opinion.

Take out your frustrations on someone else kthks

Never said you thought it was inaccurate. I just see a lot of similarities in both threads.

People post their stuff that backs up their side, and then hand wave away the stuff that doesn’t with zero rigor.

Ok fair about the cpi but no one has debunked the poll. My opinion is that things won’t work out a way because they haven’t worked out that way the past 30 years. That’s a perfectly valid reason to have an opinion, plus I’ve been open about things changing my mind already in this thread. Your post is just an unfair criticism