2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Kamala Got Her Vibes Back With a Miller High Life

lmao, “Biden is a dictator (that they forced out without his consent)”, famously how being a dictator works

I thought I was going to start a trend of people being :coconut:-pilled, do you all not know how this feature works?

Or else I’ll just be over here by myself :frowning:

A coconut in every post!

We’ll never know, but I’d love to be able to test that. I think he’d go Kamala before Trump.


Help. I want to live in the context of the coconuts but I can’t find them.

They’re trying to frame her as an airhead because of the laughing thing and the word salads as VP. I think it is a lot less likely to work when people are going to actually watch a debate, see clips of her speeches, etc.

So their base will eat it up, and it’ll piss off a lot of black voters and female voters. Pretty big mistake on their part, imo.

They should be doing Crazy Cali Commie-La or something like that, attacking on the border and socialism. They’re whiffing hard, and she may get to establish herself as more moderate before they hit the right message which would be huge.

Click “set custom status” (that’s the #3 in my screenshot, except once you have a status set it shows your status there)

Ty :coconut:

Hell yeah



I’ve seen a couple people have this problem, the status thing has two components - the emoji that will display next to your name, and (optionally) a text field to display when hovering over the emoji. If you set only the message part (or put an emoji in the message) you’ll get the :speech_balloon: emoji, to set a custom emoji click this part:



I don’t know if Walz is the best choice but imagine the contrast:

(after signing a free school lunch bill)


Voters are morons working in dems favor for once?


Don’t tap the glass


Overheard some right wing pilled family members talking about things tonight. Trump can’t wait to attack Kamala he just has to wait until she’s officially the nominee so the Dems don’t pull the plug on her. Oh and can you believe neither Biden or Kamala would meet with Netanyahu (they completely mispronounced his name)?

Saw my first oppo Kamala ad. Basically co-opted the Biden has dementia ad but with the spin the Kamala was part of the cover-up. Oh and she owns the Bidenflation and Biden illegals.

Am I the only one that thinks that nobody will give a shit about this? Like, the theory is she was helping cover up the dementia so that she would NOT get to become president? What? And voters are supposed to care about this leading into the election if she’s just like “Lol I didn’t do that, and nobody cares anyway, here’s what I’m going to do about abortion and housing prices.”

She clearly doesn’t, i’ts right in the name!


What about Bigrant crime?

Landmark poll, previous poll by them was Trump +5.