2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Kamala Got Her Vibes Back With a Miller High Life

A Biden poll unskewer engaged in the classic blunder of agreeing to talk to Isaac Chotiner

non-paywall link

Weird fucking article. Who prints stuff like this? (spoiler, he did not end the interview)


welp, maybe this is good? suppress turnout?

I’m having trouble figuring that chart out. What do the lines represent? Do the points have the same weights at each year on the horizontal axis? Is it just saying Biden +? to Trump +12?

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I think it’s just saying that the people who report voting vs report not voting in 2020 are the top line, with the x-axis being the year

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If the 2020 non-voters in that decreasing line are representing newly minted 18 year olds, that is a REALLY bad sign.

(Assuming the data is accurate, which I have my doubts about)

I don’t think that’s the assumption. It’s low-info voters who are leaning trump, but the good news is that they don’t tend to vote and trump tells them it’s all rigged anyways.

Reposting here as it will quickly get lost in angry TRUTHs in the Trump thread. I’d sure like to see ole’ Donny Trump wriggle his way out of this one!

I should know. I was one of four producers involved in the first two seasons. During that time, I signed an expansive nondisclosure agreement that promised a fine of $5 million and even jail time if I were to ever divulge what actually happened. It expired this year.

Ah, well, nevertheless

Ok maybe I’m crazy here, but Democrats must start calling for Trump to withdraw. They have to be able to make this a talking point. It is awful politics to do anything else.

No, I think that’s correct.

What’s the upside? If it’s trying to re-normalize decency that hasn’t been working very well so far.

I guess I feel like the risk is that it sort of plays right into their hands and makes you look scared. They’d make a commercial with a montage of Dems calling Trump a criminal and calling for his withdrawal and say “look how terrified they are of the mighty Trump, he’s leading in all the polls, they’d love to get rid of him, but Trump is the only thing standing between them and you.”

Plus it’s never going to happen anyway and would we really want it to? Isn’t there some fear that Nikki Haley or Josh Hawley or Elise Stefanik or whoever would just pick up the baton, dismantle Biden in the debates, and win all 50 states?

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in a sane world, what they should do is, when trump says dumb shit like “this is unprecedented, nobody has ever weaponized the justice system against a candidate before” immediately point out that candidates used to have the decency to withdraw if they got a fucking speeding ticket and then everyone was willing to just let it go away.

If trump had just been a good boy and not incited a riot and showed up to the inauguration and graciously shook hands with biden, everyone would 100% be fine with just ignoring all the crimes he did. That wasn’t enough for big daddy, though (of course in this world nobody is actually going to admit this is how it has worked up to now)

I was just thinking the other day that guys like Trump (the very wealthy) can get away with a lot of shit, and Trump could have too, if only he hadn’t been so loud and in your face about them.

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You’re on the right track, but at the same time, Trump’s cheat code has been doing his crimes openly and without shame

No, so many of them are ride or die for Trump, his base guarantees they lose with any other candidate

I’m not so sure about that. Trump rode in on a wave of “I alone can fix it” but at this point we’ve had 8 years of unrelenting “Democrats are evil, they want to destroy America, and the republic will be saved only if they can be stopped” and 4 years of “Joe Biden is the most incompetent and most corrupt president in American history”.

I think plenty of Trump supporters will be willing to show up to vote against Joe Biden no matter who his opponent is. Especially if they think Biden’s deep state corruption and “lawfare” is the reason their guy isn’t on the ballot to begin with.

Nah, this is just not true. They didn’t show up in droves at the midterms. They show up for Trump.

I just saw a decent 15-second Biden campaign ad being aired in AZ (it’s strongly “trump is bad” rather than “biden is good”)

I would love to share it here but due to the incompetence of the Biden campaign, I am unable to find this ad anywhere either on the Biden campaign website or on Biden’s youtube channel.

This is not the first time this has happened.



Anyone disagree with this strategy?


Nah, and it seems like Dems want to be idiots on this