2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Kamala Got Her Vibes Back With a Miller High Life

Oof, starting to think that maybe Harris has a chance:


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Fascism has a shelf life historically. It comes in bouts like the illness that it is. It and maoism/stalinism really aren’t well designed to sustain past 5 or so years in power, they pretty much have to moderate or die. Usually if you see a nominally fascist or maoist/stalinist regime that has lasted longer than say a decade they will have had multiple purges that get rid of the shall we say impractical leaders from the chain of command and in act if not word shifted into a more normal type of authoritarian regime.

I think we might be seeing the end of this bout with fascism. We really need the GOP to get absolutely curb stomped this cycle like Mondale was in '84. That beating was so severe it changed the trajectory of the Democratic Party for decades. It’s time for the party of Mitch McConnell to experience the natural consequences of their choices around enabling fascism.




I was going to say something sarcastic about that recipe being a counterfactual to the idea that extremely white people don’t season their food… but there’s an entire bottle of the medium taco sauce in that. I’m sorry but that’s way more spice than I grew up with.

I definitely grew up on white guy tacos. Ground beef, Ortega seasoning packet, hard shells and cheese were the only ingredients.

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Yeah we all did. And our boomer parents all thought they were exotic. Even though we had them 1-2 times a month. We had sour cream sometimes.

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Mildly related, one of my other theories is the reason the millennial generation of kids grew up hating vegetables is because none of our boomer parents knew how to cook them. Boomer cooking skills just another thing to lol boomer about.

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Dude when I tell you we ate the same 4 shitty meals on repeat… the best one by far was spaghetti and that’s because the sauce wasn’t in any way homemade.

Actually I take that back the pancakes and the fried chicken were decent but once a month type food.

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Putin though?

Putin is weird because he started as a garden variety authoritarian but has drifted toward crazy the longer he’s been in power. I really doubt 2004 Putin would have been stupid enough to Invade Ukraine with Biden as current POTUS.

Or maybe he was always crazy he just didn’t have enough power to do anything crazy, but over time has centralized everything.

I also think Putin’s regime’s days are numbered almost entirely because he started looking to Hitler for foreign policy inspiration.

This is a well-established fact (although my parents were silent generation). It is criminal how they prepared vegetables, brussels sprouts and asparagus in particular. Making me eat those things after boiling them to mush was actual torture. My kids love those vegetables and will literally ask for them.


Yeah my silent-gen dad was actually a good cook overall, but it was just sad canned veggies on the side every night. Mushy as hell, but salt was my friend.

Wound up not hating veggies at all but I was just a non-picky eater in general.

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It’s better than raw broccoli. The approach to it was awful. “Do this or else,” is something I try to avoid with my kid at all costs. My default response was, and still is, fuck you no way. It’s a reflex at this point, because everything in my childhood was a threat.

I will say the most shocking development is my parents being able to admit that they fucked up, apologize to me, and provide good parenting advice for my kid. I never thought I’d see the day they could admit they were wrong about anything.


Also we had ways way shittier options growing up as far as the actual vegetable product to start with.

Like super olds were eating very local heirloom varieties of some stuff. Then everything was super mass produced/standardized for shipping/shelf life for awhile and now recently there tremendously more interest in making things taste good. Brussel sprouts made specifically to be less bitter, honeycrisp apples everywhere instead of red delicious, cotton candy grapes, heirloom or Italian tomatoes, etc. We got individual piece frozen everything that maintains flavor/etc.


And we literally have way better ones now than we grew up with, could probably boil one now and it would be palatable.

(AI so who knows what lies in here)

Plant breeding

In the 1990s, Dutch scientist Hans van Doorn and other plant breeders began developing new varieties of Brussels sprouts with lower levels of bitter chemicals and higher sugar levels. They identified chemicals called glucosinolates, such as sinigrin and progoitrin, that make Brussels sprouts taste bitter and smell bad. Van Doorn planted sprouts with the fewest of these chemicals, cross-pollinated them to remove the chemicals, and kept the best-tasting sprouts. The breeders also cross-pollinated older varieties with lower levels of glucosinolates that were stored in a gene bank with modern, high-yielding varieties. The changes took years to have a noticeable effect, but eventually the new varieties became popular with chefs around the world

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