2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Kamala Got Her Vibes Back With a Miller High Life

The highest percent that any real poll has shown is 33% thinking Biden won.

The first post debate poll posted itt showed a 10% swing towards Trump.

What transcript are we talking about? Is it a real transcript that shows Biden incapable of completing a sentence? Because that’s not going to sell well to anyone.

The same people (not singling out skydiver or anyone else here, but also not absolving any of them from being in the collective group) who told us we were delusional and falling victim to right wing conspiracy theories about Biden’s cognitive abilities and election chances several months ago are the same ones telling us we’re delusional to think that he should drop out of the race now.

After last night, it’s crystal clear that Newsom or Pete or Whitmer have at least twice the equity as Biden in the election, if not quadruple. Going with Biden is not ok.

So we have over a month and we’re like yeah, we can’t possibly figure this out. Guess we gotta nominate the guy who can’t complete a sentence when he’s not reading off a teleprompter.


This is a good take. Biden played himself with the rules.


this is literally what conventions did for decades until the 70s

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Things we did in the 19th century are now impossible!

Also, how the fuck isn’t there a team of people that ensure he doesn’t just fucking stand there with his mouth agape like he’s been lobotomized. I assume there were rounds of focus groups deciding which shade of blue suit to wear but goddamn it don’t just stare like that.

If we can get the electorate to consume all candidate quotes via transcript and watch zero video, I agree, Biden has a chance. If we can get swing voters to make decisions based on facts and policy alone, Biden has a chance.

But we all know that’s not at all how it works.

15 Latinos breaking 50:50 for Biden is swung so hard now. Sorry just realized this choice of words.

Meanwhile in the real world 100% of dems I’ve spoken to irl have said Biden was a disaster last night and should drop out.

I did not watch the debate. I have not consumed a single piece of media on the subject other than headlines. The narrative, for me, is coming from every single person I know who watched the debate, most of that coming in real time.

The “why aren’t you calling for a convicted felon” to drop out of the race is, I don’t even know what that is. All of us OF COURSE don’t think he should be running. But the dog is still dunking on us over and over.

Your point about the logistics of how replacing him could even possibly happen is something about which I am curious. What would happen if he became physically unable to serve (and that everybody agreed that was the case) - would Kamala automatically become head of the ticket? How would they pick the VP? To be clear, I am not wishing for this to happen to Biden, I’m curious about the process that would take place. There must be a process, and if so it could be followed here.

And you’re right, we’re not the base. I honestly believe nobody here is going to change their vote based on the debate, I know I won’t. I will vote for whomever is running against Donald Trump, full stop. My concern is that a ton of people who were already disillusioned with the dem party just won’t vote at all.

And this is exactly what I’m hearing IRL. That young dems who basically saved our asses in 2020 are disillusioned and not going to turn out to vote this time.

How does that parable about god sending messages to the guy that is drowning and the guy ignores them expecting to be saved by god go?

I sent you ACB for RBG.

I shorted out Mitch. Twice!

I paraded the corpse of Feinstein around in that wheelchair.

You didn’t listen. Trump’s the president. Fuck you.

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They at least waited until end of day on the west coast

This is exactly why some people are calling Biden to pull his nomination.

It’s not to feed the right-wing narrative, it’s to reduce the probability of another Trump term.

If you think explicit fascism is on the line, a performance like what we saw last night was completely unacceptable. Lost in the narrative of how awful Biden was, was that Trump wasn’t even good. Biden just didn’t take advantage. Pete Buttigieg would have shredded him up there. So would Jamie Raskin or Katie Porter or Gavin Newsom or dozens of other people.

Biden had basically one job up there: Don’t look old and incompetent. Prove your doubters wrong. It was on the line at the State of the Union and he crushed it. It was on the line again last night and he failed miserably.

Project 2025 is exactly why we can’t afford anything but our best.

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I actually agree with this. The rules allowed Trump to gish gallop his way to “victory”. The fact that CNN did nothing to fact check in real time didn’t help…it just forced Biden to have to try to call out the lies, rather than sticking to his points (which is probably what they practiced).

I blame his team for not prepping him correctly.

I’m done talking about this. Chris Jackson has my thoughts:

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Telling all the dems who doubt Biden after last night to get out of the way is a bold choice. If we all get out of the way Trump wins in the biggest landslide since Reagan.

How about eDems stop protecting senile geriatric politicians to the detriment of our democracy?


Kamala is fine, Whitmer is fine, fuck it, I think Mayo Pete would crush it. The Twitter leftoids who aren’t voting D anyway will throw a fit online, so what.

Please only vote if you actually watched the full debate last night.

Was Biden’s performance last night the worst performance in the history of televised GE Presidential debates?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Voted yes, with the caveat that I’ve only been watching them since 1992.

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