2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Kamala Got Her Vibes Back With a Miller High Life

Wait, the interview ended at “I’ve seen them in the press.” Seriously? There’s no way that’s how it ended, he’s leaning up in his seat. Did he walk out on it? Did they edit the ending to hide something? No wrap up from Stephanopoulos?

Oh, they shortened it on the online version? I mean, pretty fucking annoying I can’t see the whole interview because I don’t live on the East Coast.

Fun fact: I met Warner in 2004 as a law student volunteering for the VA Democratic Party to observe a poll location in a minority-heavy district to make sure nobody was being denied the right to vote. Anywho, he struck me as a pretty nice down to earth guy.

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That was framed as if Warner was salty about getting beat by Biden for the nomination. I guess it can be spun as a semi-accurate totally unrelated aside, but we’re going to have to give Biden an awful lot of benefit of the doubt, and I think his benefit of the doubt credit line dried up last week.

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Did you move? I thought you were just in LV for the WSOP?

Not yet, currently in Vegas. Let’s just say I don’t anticipate being a Pennsylvania voter this year.



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Either Dems apply enough pressure to get him to step down next week or this gets real ugly real fast and we’re looking at a GOP trifecta and filibuster-proof Senate, which means Project 2025 and Handmaid’s Tale come to life.

This is one of the three or four most pivotal political weeks of our lives coming up.

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LOL anyone who has dealt with a declining parent knows the “no no he was referring to that other thing from 20 years ago” phase of denial

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He did, in 2008.

You have a very loose definition of “ran for president.” He announced in 2006 that he wasn’t running in 2008.

It’s amazing to me that Biden to be Dem nominee is still at 41 on PI with Biden being this adamant he’s staying in. What is the theory of how we go from here to someone else being the nominee within the next couple weeks before they do the virtual nomination process?

Yeah after doing all sorts of shit leading up to a run. You don’t have to employ Republican level propaganda to make a point

He announced he wasn’t running 15 months before Iowa, and was never officially in the race. He visited Iowa and New Hampshire a bunch, then changed his mind. He didn’t drop out, he never ran.

Besides, Biden said it like Warner ran in 2020.

Well, if members of Congress put their names on a letter Monday, shit gets real.

We’ve got mega donors cutting off funds, the vice chair of the Senate Dem caucus organizing a group of senators to tell him to drop out, a handful of representatives so far saying it, and likely more to come Monday. It’s already a big fucking deal, to borrow a phrase, and I don’t see the toothpaste going back in the tube. We’ll probably get more polls in over the next few days as well, and they could easily be even worse.



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TIL we have China checkmated and only Joe Biden can…keep them checkmated?

That one is not even that bad. Trump says dumb shit like that all the time.

Joe just needs to be string together complete sentences and not look like he is going to keel over. I’m not even sure he has that in him.