2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Kamala Got Her Vibes Back With a Miller High Life

Oh maybe but what does that have to do with anything.

I think you vastly overestimate how much swing he has, if Joe doesn’t want to drop out it’s because he doesn’t want to

They aren’t related. I’m just saying what Biden is doing here is basically worst case scenario for all of us. I did not think the Bidens would choose their own self interest over the country’s. My guess was that at some point someone close to Biden would explain that he is losing in the polls with the gap widening, a large percentage of his potential voters see him as unfit and most importantly he is undeniably diminished from 4 years ago. It looks like I am wrong about that.

This story isn’t going away and Biden isn’t magically going to unage so this is going to get very ugly.


Yeah this is problematic and I think the criticism from Ds has already been harsh enough that can’t fix it up before election. Would be different if Biden was favored in EC and could just play defense. Hopefully they learned something from Prigozhin and even if was initially wrong call to try to force Biden out (due to should have predicted he wouldn’t) they need to go all the way now with whichever most powerful people wanted it to happen

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That’s the thing though, its not fucking Q anymore:

Convicted felon Hunter is now ‘de facto gatekeeper for longtime friends’ to the president as Biden’s critics mount

That’s how fucked up what you are defending is. You are resorting to handwaving basic facts reported all over mainstream media as Q. It’s fucking ridiculous, and more importantly, it’s not going to work.

If you had 10 minutes to sit down with Jill, Hunter, and Joe and convince them why him staying in the race makes it so much more likely for Trump to win than if he dropped, what would you show them?

I ask because I don’t really see the smoking gun evidence to make this case, and almost anything you show has some reasonable counterpoint.

this is the quality of what q people say

The polls, including the fact a huge majority of the country thinks he is mentally unfit for office. And some comparison videos of his tenure with Obama vs. 4 years ago vs. now. If you haven’t watched those comparisons you should because they are stark.

I’m not saying that would convince him but the Dems don’t actually have to convince him here either. He isn’t the nominee yet.

I’d agree that the polling that shows the percentage of Americans that think he is unfit to serve is probably the strongest case. But I’d consider that more of an appeal to decency than a win percentage argument.

All else equal, Joe wants to be President and Jill wants to live in the WH. Hunter stepped in and took it from there. Specifically he laid out the plan of 1) defiance, 2) knifing any D that has the courage and decency to speak out and 3) hoping for a coinflip in the GE.

It’s not a bad plan if all you care about is the Biden clan, you just need absolute scum in charge to really carry out # 1 and # 2 to the extent necessary to be really effective. And that is where Hunter really shines.

I still think you’re live. I saw some clips from the Sunday shows that implied there was a snowballing sense of panic and urgency among the D power brokers, and that the next few days would be critical.

This seems to have dissipated today with Biden’s “forcefully worded letter to his party”. The Senate Dem meeting for tonight has reportedly been cancelled, but I think house Dems are still having some meeting tomorrow?

I wonder if Biden knows yet whether he’s watched the debate. :harold:

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CN: this idea that Hunter is in charge is Q level nonsense

Me: here is a link to a mainstream article literally saying that Hunter is Joe’s gatekeeper, it’s not Q anymore

CN: that is something Q would say

There is no reasoning with you.

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here is a link to some anonymous completely unbacked source you mean.

It is wild to think a crackhead felon is probably a top advisor to a mentally diminished president. And that their decisions are going to affect billions of people in some way shape or form.

And somehow the other option is even worse.

CN: goes to great lengths to explain why Joe was actually coherently attacking and bullying Mark Warner for thinking about running for President in 2007

Also CN: I’m going to assume that mainstream media are making sources up. Face the mad king and his
felon son like a man or stfu.

I’m assuming that obviously biased sources will tell obviously biased things to media who will repeat these ad nauseum if it’s juicy, mostly because I’m not a child so I’ve seen shit like this before.

Muh mainstream media:



The Biden’s spokespeople publicly acknowledge that Hunter is very heavily involved to an unacceptable degree. What would be naive is to believe that what they are publicly acknowledging is the ceiling, rather than the floor, of his involvement. You know, with Hunter being a disgraced crackhead felon and all.

Michael LaRosa, former White House communications chief to the first lady, defended Hunter Biden’s involvement in political affairs, saying that as a Yale-educated attorney, the president’s son has demonstrated savvy.

“He was far more effective at media strategy and political knife-fighting than the campaign has been so far, and they have $250 million,” LaRosa said in an interview.

“At the end of the day, [Joe Biden is] extremely close to his children, brothers and his sister, and values their unfiltered advice … and it would make sense that they’re frustrated if they feel like they’re on the outside looking in.”

Asked to comment on Hunter Biden’s presence at White House meetings this week, White House spokesman Andrew Bates said in a statement, “Hunter came back with the President from their family weekend at Camp David and went with the President straight into speech prep,” referring to Biden’s preparation for remarks about the Supreme Court’s presidential immunity decision.

Yes, political knife fighting. That’s what the situation calls for, not Biden going out there and calming people down by seeming like he’s got it together. If you can’t do the latter you should definitely shank some fellow democrats trying to stop you from throwing the whole country away. That sounds amazing no notes.

Not even current.

Sure seems a ton different than ‘hunter decides who gets access’.

You’ve lost all sort of impartiality and are clearly losing it.