2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Kamala Got Her Vibes Back With a Miller High Life


I don’t think they’ve said what they specifically were. I would think if they were about whether he’d run, that would have been specified to make it look less bad. But I guess you could argue the opposite, perhaps the leaker wanted to make it look as bad as possible.

He should have professional level advisors that he listens to. Listening to your son and wife isn’t problematic. Listening to your son and wife almost exclusively over all reason, available evidence and common sense is problematic. We can’t be certain the latter is happening but Occam’ Razor says yes.

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You think he doesn’t? Because he listened to his family as well?

It isnt clear to me that his inner circle has anything but sycophants. When David Axelrod, who helped pick Biden for VP and certainly knows him well and is pretty much the media face of EDem stoogery, has turned on him publically you know he is toast.

No competent political advisor would be advising Joe to do what he is doing. It’s legacy suicide and the results are going to be devastating to both his legacy and the country.

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Ok but that’s a lot different than ‘he doesn’t have professional level advisors’ or that he’s only using family.

You don’t have to wildly speculate/make shit up to criticize Biden.

I never said what was happening, nor did I make anything up. I said all available evidence points to Jill and Hunter having an outsized role in the WH right now. Unless a large number of media outlets and sources are all just making that up it is most likely true.

You don’t know that it isn’t happening either. All available evidence is that Joe Biden is in serious decline and that he is getting bad advice. I don’t really care where it comes from tbh.

What you actually said:

But I appreciate the clarification

The so called wild speculators have been more accurate than the Biden stans every step of the way.

Since October 2021, Hollywood attorney and writer Kevin Morris, who has become an influential adviser/confidant and now financier to Biden, lent Biden more than $6.5 million to pay back taxes, support his family, and fund legal expenses.

Is there a connection between this wildly inappropriate loan and Hunter’s desperation for his father to stay in office? Dunno, but there should have been a firewall between Hunter and WH discussions, including political discussions, the second it was made.

What part about “we can’t be certain” do you not understand?

It’s so tiring the fact you feel the need to do this every conversation about anything.

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Everyone: Trump behaves like a mobster.

Biden: Watch this!


Talking about voter concerns? lol, they’re never ever doing that. What is this, a competent, functioning political party now?


Heilemann in the article:

An A+ Democratic Senate source of mine reckons that, of the 51 sitting Ds and independents aligned with the party in the upper chamber, no more than half a dozen (including Delawareans Chris Coons and Tom Carper, as well as John Fetterman, who spent today on the campaign trail in Pennsylvania with the president after colorfully advising his party’s naysayers “to get a spine or grow a set”) believe he still has a plausible chance in November and want him to stay in the race. The ratio on the House side, as best as I can tell, is roughly the same.

As for the cash-raisers and check-collectors, a front-page story in the Sunday Washington Post quotes a “donor adviser” saying that “for every 10 people who think he should exit, one thinks he should stay.” Which sounds about right to me, with the added proviso that it’s probably more like one in 20 among big-dollar buckrakers on Wall Street and in Hollywood, where the post-debate backlash is particularly pitched.

In Bidenworld, however, the only impact all this appears to be having is the polar opposite of its intended effect. Despite credible midweek reporting that Biden had conceded to allies that he might not be able to save his candidacy, his posture has since hardened—publicly and privately—into the unalloyed defiance on display at his Friday rally in Wisconsin: “They’re trying to push me out of the race. Well, let me say this as clear as I can: I’m staying in the race!”

The tenor of those remarks is now the prevailing, on-the-record attitude at the senior levels of the campaign and the White House. Citing an encouraging set of new battleground-state poll numbers from Bloomberg/Morning Consult, Team Biden is pressing the case that calls for him to step aside are coming from out-of-touch insiders—party elites, click-hungry corporate media shills, fat cat donors, know-it-all pundits, disgruntled and unemployed consultants, and their wretched ilk—and are dramatically out of step with the views of rank-and-file Democrats.

The Defiance Defense, as I’ve come to think of it, has a clear strategic aim: to create pressure on elected Democrats not to go public with their private fears/convictions by raising the potential political cost of abandoning Biden at this late stage. But it also has a political price tag of its own: the wide and growing sense among those who aren’t members of the Biden family, or on the payroll, that the defiance of the president and his people is being animated by some lethal combination of denial, delusion, and desperation.

IMO it’s time for Congressional Dems to put up or shut up, and they need to put up or we are all fucked in a Project 2025 is coming to reality kind of a way. It’s time to put their names on the calls for him to drop out, make it crystal clear he’s toast, and if he wants to blow up the Republic over his ego, that’s on him. Biden is forcing their hand by cranking up the pressure.

BTW, Heilemann also says that the Biden team was trying to limit the Stephonopoulos interview to 15 minutes lol… They know he’s not fit.



Emerson is the ninth ranked pollster by 538; Morning Consult, the one with the good Biden numbers is 116th.

Regarding this NYT story:

  1. If Biden has parkinson’s, they’re hiding it extremely well. He doesn’t walk like he has parkinson’s, doesn’t talk like it, doesn’t have an obvious tremor.

  2. Biden could have it still

  3. The fact that someone has been there recently, especially when they’ve been working to pass a bill regarding parkinson’s, is indicative of nothing and nyt is awful yet again. Trump should be treated this way

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Yeah I think it’s pretty shitty especially given this Dr visited the Obama WH dozens of times and probably Trump too but they don’t keep logs

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From my political reporters feed, worthwhile:











Looks like most people who want Biden to step down are too cowardly to come right out and say it with their name on it, kudos to the handful that did so. Those backing him are putting their names on it. Lots of mealy mouthed statements about proving more, talking more, yada yada, bullshit bullshit.

This makes me think he’s now a 60/40 or better favorite to survive and be the nominee. He just has to fade another bad senior moment in public. If the campaign can just hide him long enough, they’ll get him in as the nominee, and they’ll all get to enjoy their 5% equity against Trump or whatever.

He’ll probably get smoked in the second debate, but it’ll be too late, and then they’ll blame the leftists again and the party elites and activists can debate in the camps who’s really to blame, til the Patriot Front guards get sick of hearing them fight and shoot them all in the head.