My turn to be the pessimistic

Free electoral shenanigans by Elon +2 billion dollars worth of Twitter control



I’m currently working in this very building in Phoenix and can certainly confirm heightened security compared to 2020 including extra layers of fencing, metal detectors, and armed guards and deputies throughout the building.

But we are definitely not being trained in anything related to active shooter drills, the wielding of fire hoses, or first aid.

My guess is these things might apply in the more rural counties. But the benefit of having made our facility into a fortress is not really having to worry about engaging in hand-to-hand combat with militias.

I confess I am a little worried someone might try to just blow up the whole building though. :harold:


Can someone link it?


Looks like a Trump landslide to me.

Jman out, see you guys in a few weeks.

Meh, she doesn’t need NV anyway, just a nice-to-have. Will be interesting to see if we still hold that Senate seat, I would assume yes but who knows? This all could’ve been prevented if she’d just picked Shapiro!

Man I get the thought of losing to the literal worst people ever is so enraging we have a natural instinct to look within and blame the democrats but this isn’t their fault at all. This country is just totally fucking broken.


The people (racist white folk) want President Trump, and by God, that’s what they are going to get.

I will say, as paranoid as I am about right wing violence on election day, it’s heartening to hear about drones and added fencing, etc.

Stay safe and thanks for all you’re doing!

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Totally. Fucking. Broken.

If it’s just the white folk Harris can pull it off but the Hispanic and now (alleged) black male MAGA sympathies would be tough to overcome


Got some Harris +3 (ipsos makes NYT select list) and +4 national poles this AM.

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I know there’s a theory that it’s the hope that kills you, but I want you all to be hopeful for the next two weeks. Speaking to all of you, but specifically @commonWealth and @Jman220 , I want you to be hopeful.

If you look for them, I believe there are more reasons to be optimistic than pessimistic about the results right now. But if you look only for the pessimistic signs, the right is happy to feed those to you. But why not be optimistic and hopeful for the next two weeks? Put those good vibes out into the universe and those around you. Hopefully in a few weeks we’re all laughing together about how silly it was for you to be worried because Kamala always had this.

If I’m wrong, at least you got to feel good for these two weeks and you can laugh at me after the election.


Do you mind outlining a few of these for us?

I’m not at Jman levels, but I’ve been rapidly shifting towards the WAAF mindset the past two or three weeks.

-Early voting and voter registration numbers in enough swing states to win the election look very positive for Dems

-Quality polling averages favor Kamala in enough states to win the election

-Polling of swing states that even have one bad outlier for Dems, have them winning enough states to win the election

-The enthusiasm gap is still evidently there

-The Harris campaign is outwardly projecting that their data tells them they are winning. The Trump campaign and right wing operatives are throwing a lot of shit at the wall to try to make the race look close. Their actions are those of a campaign that knows it’s behind.

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For me I think main point of this is I hoped to be clearly winning at this point so it is disappointing not having the data showing that. But that being said it also doesn’t look like we getting crushed either. Seems all the numerical evidence points to it just being super fucking close. Not Trump running away with election


