Hot take: This video is going to be some blurry thing where we won’t be able to see anything clearly.

It’s not going to hurt Trump. It might actually further his narrative that the media is out to get him.

Worst person good take meme



Just made me think of another reason she’d be in Houston: Dubya endorsement.

Others are it’s in play for her, she feels safe and it’s in play for Allred, or Beyonce.

I legit think Texas is in play.

As crazy as it sounds. But, doesn’t that seem like a lot of blue dots in Texas?

How does it compare to previous elections?

xkcd: Heatmap


How the hell is “Zebulon” a real name of a US city and not a science fiction planet? Southerners, explain yourselves.

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lol come on guys don’t do this to yourselves again. unless there is an exposed mushroom or two handed under-the-shirt honking, this won’t matter one bit. And if there is, it’ll help somehow show that Donald J. Trump is just like the average American sexual assault enthusiast.


Video of trump groping a minor could energize his base and I’m only half joking.

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Well you see that’s just part of his plan! In order to break up the evil DEMONCRAT pedo ring he has to go into deep cover as a pedo!

Really interesting tool here from WaPo. Can see how your zip code is breaking down in terms of donations. As far as I can tell, there’s no past comparison feature, but gotta say it feels encouraging given the amount of people donating/contributing to her massive fundraising efforts. https://www.washingtonpost.com/elections/interactive/2024/trump-harris-donors-zip-code-map/?utm_campaign=wp_main&utm_medium=social&utm_source=threads

This is my neighborhood. Maybe lawn signa don’t matter as far as actual vibes.

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The neighborhood I was in the other day with 15 to 1 Trump signs is 2.6 to 1 Harris in donors, 2 to 1 in donations.

New residence is 7 to 1 donors, 6 to 1 in donations. Cali GOAT!

That said, without a 2020 comp this doesn’t mean a ton.

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Oh wow, Kamala comes out at the town hall and says she believes Trump is a fascist. :eyes:

James freakin’ Carville says we got this

Man this sort of analysis tilts me. Gotta mention the whole fucking reason Trump isn’t on that stage is he is a danger to himself every time he opens mouth

Fucking yikes.


I’m resigned. Maybe we get a good surprise for a change but I’m ready for the pain this time, unlike 2016.

If Skeletor is for us, who can be against us?

Guess it’s time for my wife and I to get more serious about discussing where we’re starting over. I guess we might as well wait til 11/6 at this point.