This. A Pence appearance/endorsement would be a “big fucking deal” to like the talking heads on the news networks. The reactions of like every Democratic and Republican voter would basically just be “lol”

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What? They paid her speaking fee. It’s not disallowed by her contract…

Or maybe she’s going to do Barack’s dick size joke again.

He should have rounded to 2, though, so PolitiFact says: PANTS ON FIRE

Yeah, because it’s definitely going to be the song playing when Kamala takes the stage.

Twitter thinks it could be W, which would be


I’m torn on whether that would be worse than Pence or not.

Some prominent R would kind of kill the vibe but certainly would make for some enticing advertising up to election. Granted no reason that would have to be at the DNC. I guess maybe bringing them out at beginning of night just to get it on the record would be acceptable if they didn’t build up to it over course of whole night

Pence getting up and dishing first hand shit on Trump would at least be interesting were he to do that. W saying the same stuff everyone has already seen and said about him isn’t.

Would potentially influence people like my father. He loved Dubya.

Man, if Dubya showed up to the DNC he’d get booed right?

At the end of the day a conservative speech is going to be ~5 minutes because they won’t address policy, and the lines about Trump being a threat to democracy and country over party will be applause lines. I don’t think it’ll kill the vibes.

Beyonce, Taylor and Dolly.

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A private jet flew from Nashville to Chicago and landed a couple hours ago. Not T Swizzle’s, but maybe they’re trying to keep it a secret and booked her another one.


It wouldn’t kill them, but it would damage them.

I really hope they’re not planning to do that. Putting Kasich on in 2020 is one thing, Dubya is another level.



Yeah GTFO with putting some Republican ghoul on.

Powerful female music star or bust.

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It’s happening???


yeah nobody gives a shit if like pence or mittens shows up. W would be better (slightly) from a vibe standpoint but he’s been so detached from politics I don’t see him doing it and even if he was up for it I’m not sure it would really have the effect people think. Melania would be a pretty sick burn, tho.


Making me wonder, are all the attendees at DNC like super fucking hungover at this point from a week straight of partying or this serious business week for the attendees?

Ok I think it’s happening. This is a senior staffer in the White House.
