

JFC, men are the worst. We are absolutely the worst.

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I think we might need to take away men’s right to vote for awhile until we can figure out wtf is wrong with them.

Gotta imagine it boils down to Elon Musk and his predecessors have convinced young men it’s Ds fault that nobody is having sex with them

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I’m going to be blunt here: It’s not men’s fault. Most of us are barely raised beyond being taught from an extremely early age that the only negative emotion you’re allowed to have is anger. Then we get told a bunch of honestly extremely counterproductive stuff about our role in society, and through most of human history they send us out when we’re in our maximally destructive phase to go die in pretty large numbers.

Gender imbalances result in significant toxicity in the gender that is ‘benefitting’ from being on the right side of the equation. It’s a power relationship like any other. For at least the last 10,000 years warlike agrarian societies have been conscripting males 15-25 to go fight in wars on a pretty regular basis. This results in there being more women than men in the global marriage market for most of that period.

People learn how to be from watching how people are as children. Normal is defined by what is normal. You run a 10% gender imbalance for a few thousand years and shit is warped. By that point the religions that have been around for thousands of years were conceived in a pool of toxic masculinity.

So yeah the GOP is telling men that they’ll let them remain what they’ve been basically since the dawn of agriculture even though for the world to continue progressing our agrarian warlike phase needs to end. Women are our equals and in a ton of cases our superiors. To get them to keep doing what they’ve been doing for thousands of years, for free, going forward they’re going to want to be paid. Having a baby is a massive investment of personal health, time, and in our current system money. You want women to produce children for society, someone is going to have to compensate them.

And the GOP is saying, nah we won’t pay them we’ll give you your old place in the world and push her back into hers. We’ll also restore the value of your whiteness and make you better than anyone brown. The reason your life is worse now than your dad’s was is that we gave undeserving women and minorities all the good jobs. We’ll get back what’s yours.

That’s the pitch basically. It’s pandering right at them. I get why it’s persuasive. It’s also incredibly childish bullshit. This is what happens when you combine traditional gender norms with defunded public schools and a set of public policies that basically could have been labeled ‘fuck the white working class in particular’.


honestly I can’t argue against this

One thing that got me thinking about this was sitting at a poker table yesterday hearing a guy out of nowhere start laying into Trump. Just 10 minutes of clowning, mockery, bone spurs, etc.

I wish I could remember exactly what set him off, something like “well you must really hate Trump then” in response to some barely political comment.

It was stunning partly because we really try to avoid politics at the table, but mostly because I would have bet 99% he was a MAGA deplorable. Middle-aged, white, biker, veteran.

In fact, many of his comments were about Trump’s obvious contempt for the military and veterans. Like many AZ trump haters, he reveres John McCain, and echoed Gallego’s convention comment about Trump’s attacks on McCain: “Show some respect!”

The original guy who triggered it initially offered some tepid pushback but literally nobody was making any attempt to defend Trump.

He lasted longer in the tournament than me, but I’ve got to find him and offer some encouragement. Keep it up! :rofl:


I remember I was in LV once and some young mid 20s Asian guy was going on about how unfairly Kavanaugh was being treated in the confirmation and it was all a bogus witch hunt. He got pushback from a middle-aged white dude. If you just flashed photos of them, you probably would have guessed each had the opposite viewpoint.

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What actually makes Baron a true GM-level player is that he rotates the board 90 degrees just to make the game harder.

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This is interesting, and makes me wonder if the weird demo splits we’re seeing are just trumpers lying


So you think that, rather than Trump gaining support among young/black voters, it’s more likely that a significant number of MAGA boomers are telling pollsters they’re young/black?

It makes more sense than a realignment election.

Also polling is far from uniform on Trump gaining among black and young people.

Say roughly 131 years? Constitution in effect 1789?

The parties have already been going through somewhat of a realignment for the last decade or so.

WaPo gift link: Trump event at wall Obama built highlights an unkept promise

The Cochise County Sheriff’s Office confirmed that the barrier next to Thursday’s campaign stop was built during the Obama administration. The Trump campaign and Perez did not respond to questions about the discrepancy.


No they haven’t. 2022 was great for dems among young and black voters






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Ok gotta admit the last few years have broken my brain … there no way this real right? Possessing a recently dead whale carcass gotta be serious crime???