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For the poll pessimists and doubters. imo, watch Trump, and Trump seems desperate and scared. If he thinks he’s cooked, then I’m going to think he probably is.



Probably the best we could hope for if this info is accurate


Close to 60 percent of members who participated in an electronic poll said they supported Trump, compared to 34 percent who backed Harris. A separate survey conducted via phone similarly had Trump up big: 58 percent to 31 percent.

I sort of agree with this, but iirc he seemed to think he was cooked in 2020 and it was a nailbiter. He was sowing the seeds for the Big Lie months in advance.

Leadership is not trying to do what’s best for the workers, they’re trying to keep their leadership roles.

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Fake news, no way she apologized.

Alright, I’lll update my prior that this is a flip with a slight edge to trump. I now think this is a flip with a slight edge to Harris.

Woo hoo!

Time to go back to sleep for four more years. No worries.


Gotta say I was a little nervous recent assassination attempt would keep Trump on the headlines for a week but guess beeper assassins and rate cuts are big news

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The Teamsters using internal polling to justify their endorsement decision seems… dumb? Like isn’t the point of the leadership endorsing a candidate to signal to their members which is the best for them with respect to the union? Doesn’t this make about as much sense as a newspaper polling their readership to determine their endorsement?

Yeah honestly it’s the kind of thing that makes you question the viability of the teamsters what with them failing so miserably at educating their membership. Sometimes unions can get too big and too institutionalized, and the Teamsters played a huge part in why deregulation happened nationwide. Seriously I cannot stress enough how little respect I have for them and their historical leadership. Literally gangsters not even a generation ago and now they can’t get their union members off of voting for people who want to take away the ability for workers to even have unions.

The teamsters and police unions are the two groups I feel pretty uncomfortable with being in the larger organized labor tent. I have really significant doubts about whether any police union, or the teamsters, aren’t more trouble than they’re worth at this point.

There are corporations that are run ethically and there are unions that are forces for evil in the world. Life is complicated like that.

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I read today that Harris was the tie-breaking vote for a $86B bill that saved union pension funds of which the Teamsters were the main beneficiary.

Oh, it’s hugely dumb. It’s the leadership taking care of their own personal interests (their jobs) instead of leading.

Also I read that their “polling” methodology was not much better than a Twitter poll, I think it was via a QR code in their newsletter.


Yup, they think they’re looking out for their own personal interests, but they could have taken a smarter tact. “We’re endorsing the candidate who is best for labor, Kamala Harris. Now, many of our members may want to decide their vote based on other priorities, and that’s their prerogative. Our job is just to tell them who’s best for their union interests.”


Actually it makes less sense than that since newspapers are dying and probably need to pander to whatever readers they have left

I guess maybe there some philosophical question if union exists to get what is best for their workers or get what their workers want even if not the best.

I don’t know how union leadership gets elected but I do know if you tell a group of 65% Trumpers this they will run you out of town.