Not only did they get no sound bites, they literally cut the interview because she was doing too well

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Cliffs: it seems like one mega whale with 25m is the reason for the polymarket shenanigans


Where’s Snowden to unmask this guy?

Curious what @WAR thinks about this. Also how do you tell how much $$ is actually on the line on Polymarket? Contracts have a “volume” figure but I assume that’s trading volume and not the value of open contracts?


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I think that countertrading him in the pop vote markets is a profitable play. You should be able to check the total number of outstanding shares for a market with the API. I dunno about the website.

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Nah, he’s gonna be too busy ranting about the stolen election if he loses and who cares about 2028 if he wins.

Makes you think




Shook ones!


Not knowing full context of what he saying I could be off base on his point, but I find it hilarious after the debate/interviews/etc that media seem to frame it as a kinda deviant thing that she develops a strategy and executes it. Like that should be absolutely what your expecting from a president, not just showing up and seeing what happens


She’s too scripted. I want someone who just tells it like it is! Preparation is for suckers.


Her preparation goes beyond scriptedness. Hillary was too scripted in the sense that she was just going to return to a canned line. Biden was the same. Obama and Kamala on the other hand have done an enormous amount of prep, are very witty / well spoken, and come in prepared enough to play a very exploitative reactive game that creates big moments.

You don’t catch them out they catch you out as Brett just learned.


Their guy is Donald Trump, who does just that.

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Not sure if this is old news, but Omarosa gave an interview and said she has heard the infamous Apprentice n-word tape. She said that it’s in a rant, and it’s not the only slur he used. Kamala is sitting on a cool billy, and like 20-25% of black men are saying they’re voting for Trump. Knock that back down to 10% and this election is over.

I gotta think $100M gets it done, then you take out a primetime slot on ABC or CBS and hype the shit out of it and play it. Game, set, match.

Famously unimpeachable source Omarosa? Not saying it’s not real but I don’t think Omarosa saying she heard it meaningfully moves the probability one way or the other.

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She said she heard three sources describe it, and they all matched, then she tracked it down and heard it. I think it makes it more likely if exists, but I’ve already assumed it’s real because he’s a racist who for sure used the word a bunch and is dumb enough to say it while mic’d up.

Would an N-word tape matter that much?

I remember living through the “grab them by the pussy” tape and thinking that would matter.

It’d matter to me. My family might fracture if these clowns still voted for him after that.

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