No one actually cares if he’s mentally compromised, just that he shows it.

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I will never donate another penny to the democrats if they don’t force Biden to dropout.

Stop putting words into my mouth. I don’t think he is mentally compromised yet but terrible when you find yourself having to play defense on that question because your candidate is plainly such a disaster.

Every normie has been saying for at least a year now that Biden is old as fuck, looks like he has one foot out the grave and is an embarrassment to the country everytime he steps to the podium and the Democrats can’t be serious about running him again in 2024.

They were 100% correct and everyone one of us who has uttered a word in Biden’s defense is a fool. Well, I heard him on my favorite left leaning podcast and he sounded ok to me. Fool, absolute fool.

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This is where I’m at. Fuck the democrats and Fuck Biden for even putting us in this position. We have great candidates that could have steamrolled Trump, but instead we’re running a vegetable.

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Off the top of my head apologies to @jwax13 @commonWealth and anyone else I defended Biden to.


Who cares about unifying a party when the alternative is a 4+ year Trump revenge tour on the left? eDems have established they’ll Vote Blue No Matter Who™ so what’s more important is finding someone who can peel off possible Trump voters to keep him out of office.

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You said he was the emperor without clothes. If you didn’t mean that to question his mental fitness that’s on you, not me.



But the point of the story was that the emperor was vain and that his advisors were too cowardly to do the right thing, not that he was necessarily mentally compromised?

Your resort to Semantikes has been foiled. I award you no points and may God have mercy on your (and all of our) souls.

He’s been the most effective president of my lifetime. Exceeded expectations.

The part that didn’t work out was letting him run a second time.

For the Newsom naysayers. Predictit currently has Newsom as 20% to be the Dem nominee and 14% to win the general. That implies he is a 70/30 favorite if he is nominated.

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Is the Hawk Tuah girl old enough to run?

ah yes just what we need now, Gavin Newsom leading off with “I’m old fashioned”

it won’t matter because they’re all going to end up in gitmo if they don’t

you said he was the emperor with no clothes. that’s different what you’re going with in this post which is “he seems like he has no clothes”. people aren’t putting words in your mouth, you are just bad at picking words (or you’re being disingenuous)

dude you are the one semantikesing itt

Let me put it another way for you. It’d arguably be less embarrassing for the county if we had a President who was otherwise good and an effective communicator that literally walked up to the podium butt ass naked everyday than the hot mess that is Joe Biden circa 2024.

That is not hyperbole. Thomas Friedman and Van Jones literally cried out of sympathy for Joe Biden because he looked so pathetic out there. And he is supposed to lead the free world for the next 5 years. What are we doing here?

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It’d be one thing if the Dem bench was decimated and this was our only shot, but we have literal all stars on the sidelines right now. People who would be betting favorites instantly over Trump if handed the nomination. But gotta stick with the corpse!

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nobody here disagrees with this