If anyone wants give me +300 on Biden lmk

Much better odds available on Biden no on predictit and I’m considering shoving all in on them

Only reason I’m not is that I want to have money leftover for the fall sports season. The thing that sucked about 2020 was not having any dumb bet money from early Nov to jan

My plan is to continually ask people why the NYT and Democrats have countless op-eds and hand-wringing social media posts asking Biden to step down when there wasn’t a single one of those things asking Trump to step down after he was convicted of 34 felonies.

Stop. All of you. Stop and think about this narrative and where it’s coming from and why you feel like it’s way more important than asking that a CONVICTED FELON drop out of the race. Why NO ONE is asking for that.

Stop and think about what is driving this hysteria. Stop and think about why real news such as project 2025 and today’s SCOTUS decisions, which are much more objectively damaging and newsworthy, are buried.

Stop and ask if we aren’t falling into the exact same trap we did in 2016.

We are supposed to be the side of facts and logic and reason, and the past 24 hours, “democrats” have done way more to harm the Biden campaign than Biden ever has.

So we can keep whining, or we can get to work. Also, for those who may have missed this:


We’re not replacing Biden. 4 months for a new candidate to start from scratch? Please stop smoking crack and get real.


No, we’ve literally all asked for that. We’ve all said Donald Trump is completely unfit for office. So this is a completely fake argument that you and other eDems are relying on to prop up Biden and choosing him over what is good for the country.

I guess we were just hoping that our candidate might have some small amount of shame unlike the republican candidate.


It’s simple. Everyone knows the GOP operates in a cult that is living outside of reality, and the Dems operate within reality.

Yeah sorry not my fault, not anyone’s fault who’s been pointing out for months that this was going to happen. This is the fault of the Biden team and the establishment at the DNC. It’s not too late to switch to someone else and they would demolish Trump.

Very simple question. Did Joe Biden look like someone who has the cognitive ability to campaign for and execute the duties of the office of the POTUS last night?

Trying to make this about whether it’s fair to Biden that Trump gets away with being a lying convict, or whether there’s enough time, is all a distraction from the main point: Biden is WAY too old.

P.S. I’m advocating for your boy Mayor Pete to be one of two potential choices to replace Biden. Let’s circle the wagons around him or Newsom and let them destroy Trump like we all know they’re capable of.

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Thanks, but as someone who’s very familiar with Pete, I can tell you he’s the last person who would jump over Kamala for the nomination in a situation like this. (Open primary is different)

Also, as a delegate…I’m sorry to disappoint you all, but it’s not going to happen. You hate the DNC for “forcing” Biden on us, but tell me, realistically, how the fuck we’d choose someone else without the voters’ input and not be even more fucked?

Go on. Tell me.

By the way, if Kamala Harris isn’t the only person on your list for a brokered/nominating convention’s choice, then you’re living in the clouds.

They’ve had FOUR YEARS to figure out how to save democracy and this is what they’ve come up with, just coast and hope Biden doesn’t have a stroke. Jesus Christ we are fucked. How do they not even have a contingency plan?

Newsom and Pete are both more popular than Biden or Kamala, so there’s that as an easy starting point.

Betting markets imply that either would be a decent favorite over Trump in the general while Biden is an underdog.

This is the level of operation you get when the first qualification is not being irritating to the people with money. Also if Pete is too good of a person to vault of Kamala Newsom surely isn’t. Decorum and process become infinitely more important than effectiveness.

Maybe we’ll get lucky and this recent supreme court case involving tips will create some politicians who exist just to farm tip money as efficiently as possible by passing popular legislation.

Like is this the delusional territory that our delegates live in? Kamala is a failed candidate who took VP because it was the closest to the presidency she was ever gonna get. Wtf are we even doing here?

Not pissing off the Democratic base, actually.

(the people on this board are not the base)

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Polling says you’re wrong.

Pete and Newsom have better favorable than Biden or Kamala.

All polling with a larger sample size than whatever that 15 person garbage poll you posted was, says Biden was a disaster last night.

I was a Biden defender until last night. As a delegate, by sticking your head in the sand you’re helping elect Trump.

Such a gross spot where you have to play make believe that Biden is mentally and physically fit for office because he’s still better than Trump, which he is.

And calling a spade a spade is damaging to the waning chance to fade King Donald so you kind of just have to puke in your mouth and pretend that this isn’t totally fucked.

@skydiver8 I’m gonna preemptively apologize here. I don’t mean to take this out on you, but watching the eDems hand the election to Trump is incredibly frustrating. It’s over with Biden as the nominee, and the denial over that fact is infuriating.

I guess I should just be going on pure facts here.

The ballot deadlines for many states have already passed, or will have passed by the time the convention happens. Our constitution leaves little room for the “DNC” or anyone else to mess with the states’ processes for elections.

So once again I ask, how would we replace him? Practically speaking, there is no way.

Be mad about the past, by all means. Take today to rage against our processes. But know that you’re pissing into the wind. So tomorrow, we clean ourselves up, roll up our sleeves, and get to work.

Honest question, what ballot deadlines have passed? And why would we have ballot deadlines that are before any candidate is officially nominated?

If ballot deadlines haven’t passed yet, then it is only Biden’s ego and eDem incompetence standing in the way of putting forward a better candidate.

I don’t believe that. Here’s a way to tell. Start sharing the transcript of the debate with people who didn’t watch, and tell me what they say. Share it without comment, without adding in your opinion. I suspect this is why the Latino voter focus group swung so hard to Biden after the debate: they heard the words, the substance of what was said, because it was through translators.

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Well, California’s is August 9th.

Every state is different, and some of them even have rules that if you didn’t win the primary, then you can’t be on the general election ballot. But I don’t know all 50 states’ election laws.