They are only allowed to donate $2,000 directly to another campaign. Everything else needs to be routed through the DNC. Which is a silly technicality, but just being clear on why sky is able to say he can’t just hand it all directly to the replacement candidate.

Ok yes I was not considering limits.

That’s kind of an interesting thing though. Like obviously he appears unfit but from the perspective of a Democrat it’s hard to rank many presidencies as being better than his.
So even if hypothetically the only talent he had was the ability to delegate he is quite a fit president by the evidence of his actual presidency.

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Dude he is a heavy favorite to be a vegetable at some
point in his second term. To D cultists such as ourselves it is tolerable for him to be a meat puppet for issues we support but that is clearly and understandably horrifying and unacceptable to the 60-70% of the country that is not in the cult.

Obviously lot of the country doesn’t understand the realities of politics, like it’s just as illogical for Rs to not vote for their guy who is a pedophile or whatever. The individuals are essentially irrelevant these days, your voting for a side

No, they understand politics perfectly well. They just agree with Rs on at least some issues (gasp!) so they aren’t willing to go along with the cult when it insists that the Emperor does indeed have clothes.

I see very little evidence of majority of population understanding politics well but I do spend a lot of time with people who have unfortunately not had the educational experiences I’ve had

I only want us to run the candidate with the highest likelihood of beating Trump. I would like to see more polling, but based on early results I am open to the idea that Joe is still our best bet.

If that is the case, and if we are rolling with Joe, I would like the campaign to understand why that is and focus the campaign on those reasons - people would be voting for the Biden administration and what that represents. “Don’t believe your lyin’ eyes, Joe is as vital as he’s ever been” is insulting.

And on that note, I really hope they’re working on The Case for Kamala Harris, and I think that pitch is “The ship will remain the same and keep going in the same direction even if it has a new captain”. Voting for this administration is still the right thing to do even if you don’t like Kamala Harris, just as the same is true about Joe Biden.


Nah, they understand it better than us supposedly enlightened freaks here.

Not a Dumb Person: Look, I agree with Ds on some things and Rs on others but the President is the quintessential leadership role in the world, correct?

Smartest People in the World: Yes….

Not a Dumb Person: Then plainly someone who is already incapable of engaging in a coherent back and forth conversation should never even be considered to fill the job for the next 5 years….

Smartest People in the World: Um, but the other guy is a deranged gangster….

Not a Dumb Person: I see that, but he didn’t start any wars last time (despite D scaremongering that he was a lock to use nukes) and I’d rather have a gangster protecting the country than a vegetable. Look I dunno how you “elites” pick the two people I get to choose from but if it’s a gangster or a vegetable, I guess I’ll take the gangster.


Right now I think most of the people ITT are overreacting to a disaster the way markets tend to. The chances this debate really moved the needle when the majority of voters already thought Biden senile are nowhere close to 100%.

At the same time should Biden and Kamala be fully cooperating with an attempt to replace him with Newsom or Pete? Yes obviously that’s the right move if it’s logistically possible. Not least because Trump has invested four years of messaging time into convincing people Biden is senile and that matters a whole lot. If the Democrats switch off his matchup to a guy who is going to be able to use the age argument he just spent years building against him… I think that’s a tough thing for Trump to deal with. Plus the new nominee isn’t president which means that they can campaign truly full time without also having to have arguably the most difficult job in the world at 81. It’s chaotic but I think at worst it’s a push. Only apple polishing hall monitoring freaks like the establishment Democrats think voters care about process or procedure in how the nominee is chosen. The typical undecided voter would be very pleased to hear Biden has been replaced on the ticket because they were pretty sure he was already drooling on himself before this debate even happened.

Let’s not kid ourselves the Democratic Party is not a well functioning institution in any way. It’s about waiting your turn, and following the rules. It’s the model UN and debate kids all grown up. There’s nothing in the world they care more about than procedure. Not process, execution, or the end result, nope it’s procedure. Doing things ‘the right way’ is seen as heroic even in the face of certain failure and compromising by doing it the wrong way to actually achieve something is viewed as villainous. I believe they couldn’t do their own process in 2 months.

I don’t know what the fix for it is. I hope it isn’t Trump winning this election and the US having a really nasty bout of fascism. If that happens it’ll take ~10 years give or take to collapse under the weight of all the looting and corruption the fash love so much and an astounding number of people will get seriously hurt / die.

I’m hopeful that’s obvious enough that we could elect a baked potato over Trump. I know I’d happily prefer Spud E. Spud over DJT ainec.

Am I ever going to forgive the Democratic Party? Of course not lol. I’ve already made 100% of my real political activity besides voting about tearing them and all their stupid honor roll bullshit down. Just the most useless people on the face of the earth crossed with the most insidious privileged enough to care primarily about approval from authority values.

If the Nazi’s win here it’ll end with a new government / constitution that is heavily informed by what just happened. I suspect our generation will treat flag waving patriotism like Germans who had lived through the Nazi’s did when it’s over. It’ll be a very different country afterward like it was after the civil war, or more recently COVID or 9/11.

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Based on your posting style it feels like you’re trying to claim to be part of a certain group in order to more effectively or convincingly make fun of it. Do your general political beliefs genuinely strongly align with majority of posters on this forum like you keep claiming?

Yes, I considered myself an enlightened person and am coming to terms with how fraudelent my belief system is/was. Sky just passed along the message from our leadership that the plan is for us to go around telling people to ignore the evidence of their eyes and ears, we are playing out a conservative boomer meme/unfunny comic at this point.

lol ok thanks for clarifying, well I hope your at least enjoying yourself so at least someone on this board can feel good

I don’t feel good. But the D establishment thinks I’m stupid enough to be conned into “going down swinging” for their geriatric narcissist and again do stuff like risk getting shot by knocking doors and protesting as a minority. In reality, I’m correctly placing the moral responsibility for this disaster where it belongs and only thinking of myself, as all the supposed “leaders” of our country are doing.

Hell no, I’m not putting another D donation on my public record. Probably makes more sense to donate a little to Trump and switch my registration to R.

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Yeah this is where I am as well, would be nice if the evaluation could be pragmatic about the best way forward today without wasting time on what would have been better idea a year ago or 4 years ago.

Whether it Kamal/Biden/Newsom/Pete really irrelevant to me. Just need a group of people able to sort out if we genuinely can overcome the logistical issues of switching now and whatever is best chance you go with. I guess if it’s so hopeless it doesn’t matter who runs then wouldn’t want to waste a good horse but it doesn’t feel that hopeless

Also just in case anyone falls for any form of “Biden is a good and decent man,” this is a guy who slandered Anita Hill, spent 40 years jerking off credit card companies and has gone along with the whole family’s disgraceful treatment of Hunter’s child’s mother. Fuck this guy.

lol jhmfc this is pathological


I legit have trouble believing this poll, or think there is something wrong with the methodology.

It’s been understood for a while that (unnamed R or D) always does better than Biden or Trump. Some of these people have almost no name recognition with the general public, and yet all the results are within 2 points of each other?

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They knew, they all knew: