
And while Trump obviously gets along well with the gangsters that run Russia and NK, it’s a bit of a stretch for to say he supports them. More like he sees no reason to be in conflict with them. And tbf he did offer to help the Ukrainians in their beef with the Russians if they would just help him in his beef with the Bidens.

His debate performance does settle the argument as to whether Biden can communicate effectively in a non-controlled setting. If we believe voters, this is one of the biggest negatives driving his current polling deficit. These facts do a lot to drive the despair that many of us are feeling about Biden’s chances of winning.

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No it doesn’t. He’s done fine in plenty of situations elsewhere.

So I take it the answer is “no” then.

I have not watched the debate in full and won’t. I have watched chunks of it. If you want to point to something that immediately overrides all other experience we have with Biden feel free to point it out.

That’s the best you’ve got, he fist bumps Mr. Bone Saw?

Who was President when Khashoggi was murdered in an embassy by the way?

On 20 November 2018, U.S. President Donald Trump rejected the CIA’s conclusion that Crown Prince bin Salman had ordered the killing. He issued a statement saying “it could very well be that the Crown Prince had knowledge of this tragic event – maybe he did and maybe he didn’t” and that “In any case, our relationship is with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.” Two days later, Trump denied that the CIA had even reached a conclusion.

Very tough on Saudi Arabia.

And what did he say about Ukraine during the debate on Thursday?

TRUMP: Just going back to Ukraine for one second, we have an ocean separating us. The European nations together have spent $100 billion, or maybe more than that, less than us. Why doesn’t he call them so you got to put up your money like I did with NATO? I got them to put up hundreds of billions of dollars. The secretary general of NATO said Trump did the most incredible job I’ve ever seen. You wouldn’t – they wouldn’t have any – they were going out of business. We were spending – almost 100 percent of the money was – it was paid by us.

He didn’t do that. He is getting all – you got to ask these people to put up the money. We’re over $100 billion more spent, and it has a bigger impact on them, because of location, because we have an ocean in between. You got to ask them.

Both sides are the same though and actually Trump is slightly better.

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It just seems weird to have such a strong opinion that the debate shouldn’t change things when you didn’t watch the whole thing.

It would be like watching a few clips of Game of Thrones season 8 and concluding that that season was good because a bunch of the earlier seasons were good.

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They are not the same anymore than the bloods and the crips are the same. Doesn’t change the fact that they are both gangsters. It is humorous though that Trump was immediately like yeah the MBS gang has me over the barrel with oil prices, what are you going to do, lol? And then Biden eventually admits same.

Wonder if Biden was actually dumb enough to think he could cross the MBS gang or if it was all just a ruse to keep the progressives at bay from the start?

How many times have you been told to go watch the first 20 minutes to get a sense of what everyone is talking about?

The fact that you find the first 20 minutes of Biden’s debate as somehow being more indicative of cognitive decline than someone telling the same story anew several times in the same conversation is about all I need to know about how seriously to take your mental diagnoses.

It was a bad debate. Biden is old. But he’s not dead, and he’s not a vegetable.

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I probably have watched almost all of those 20 minutes at this point. As someone who does the literal job of sussing out dementia vs more acute processes vs normal, I’m not impressed.

A man who has spent 51 years as a senator/VP/POTUS in the party that fights for Medicare said (after a lot of thought trying to find his words), “We finally beat Medicare.” The guy who spent 51 years in the party that fights for abortion rights pivoted from abortion to literally Trump’s #1 talking point (undocumented immigrants killing young white women).

You’ll notice nobody here has brought up the many times he said millions instead of billions or trillions instead of billions, or whatever, because nobody cares about misspeaking in small ways. Those are “ah he’s old he knows what he means, it’s whatever,” mistakes. What we witnessed goes far beyond that, and summing it up as just a bad debate is not a reasonable portrayal of what happened.

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Seems like wookie’s suspicion of your acumen in determining mental diagnoses was correct. This is not typical of dementia.

I agree we shouldn’t over emphasize one day but it looked really fucking bad and the damage is done unless he does some extremely substantial and impressive free response interview/press conference really soon. Everyone in life functions until they don’t, it sure makes it look he has crossed that line. I will still 100% vote for him regardless but timing on this really is woat

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How you feel about Biden bradykinesia and often asymmetric arm swing? Lot of videos last 3 months put a pit in my stomach mostly because voters have some vague gut feeling of what a demented person looks like and he starting to get that look even if it not true

ETA can’t find it now but on his border visit was walking awhile and the almost entire lack of arm swing was distressing me

As usual I think you’re all wrong. I think the people saying it doesn’t matter much are definitely wrong but I also think the ‘it’s the end of the world he’s fucked’ crowd are massively overreacting. It’s really bad and he should probably drop out if he can finagle Harris dropping out with him. She’s a truly terrible candidate. It won’t happen.

Then again maybe I’m taking this as well as I am because I have very low expectations of the Democrats and honestly don’t see them as viable long term allies. Either I’ll help fund changing them from within or I’ll splinter at the first viable alternative.

Fresh reminder of what is being handwaved away as fine:




The fact that they haven’t put him out there like this yet also really tells you all you need to know about what they think he can handle. This situation is BEGGING for him taking on all comers in a big presser, or sitting down for a rigorous one on one interview. So far, nothing other than reading off a teleprompter.

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Not familiar with that video, but I remember similar things about Trump. Problem is that those videos lack context and aren’t particularly representative.

The arm swing thing is also usually Parkinsonism type presentations, which isn’t consistent with Biden at all. He doesn’t shuffle his gait, he has plenty of facial expressions, no pill rolling tremor etc.

We’ve gone down the path of having the wrong conversation again. Actual medical diagnosis doesn’t matter.

Post debate polls showing that only 27% of Americans believe Biden is mentally fit to be president matter.

That’s the ballgame unless we change candidates.

I will agree with @boredsocial that if the only replacement option is Kamala, we might be better leaving Biden in place. But again, that means that the democrats don’t actually view this election as important and their voters will respond accordingly.


Listen, here is the deal corn pop. First election they conned us into believing that Trump would be trigger happy with nukes if elected and now that that doesn’t play anymore, they are trying to con us to believe they are all going to be frog marched straight to Gitmo if Trump is re-elected. But they sure as fuck ain’t acting like people worried that their freedom is on the line.