Apparently I am. There was a whole vote, other candidates, and etc. The fact that other major candidates evaluated their chances of winning based on Biden’s performance and passed doesn’t make it true that there was no primary.

I obviously hope this will happen but feels kind of different now. In hallways today overheard like half a dozen jokes about Biden from folks I never hear anything political from. They probably still going to vote for him so we certainly could squeak this thing out but people are shook

For frame of reference, would you also describe the 2012 Democratic primary as an open primary?

Absolutely. Nothing stopped people from running other than their own evaluations of their chances of winning.

also, lol:

I will grant you, you’re at least being logically consistent then.

Biden is speaking tonight, I think in 15 mins, to address the SCOTUS ruling. Quite interested to see if he takes questions.

New Hampshire poll, who won the debate?
Trump 54%
Biden 6%
Neither 39%

Meanwhile, Biden running 8 points behind Casey (senate candidate) in Pennsylvania:


You know things are going well when you have to privately screen questions from your top donors.


Biden speaking live now.

Biden looking a little orange. Did they spray tan this motherfucker?

Lolllllllll they spray tanned him, this is unbelievable. Totally not a desperation move!

He’s speaking well, but he’s just saying go vote - fucking inept dumbasses

No questions, and as he walked away you could see that they didn’t spray tan the back of his bald dome, making it even more obvious.

There were some quotes claiming they had covered up a tan prior to the debate, guess need to see some pics from the day before

So the speech was 4 minutes and 26 seconds, if I counted correctly, and he took no questions.

Tom Scocca:

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Fine, have it your way, let’s follow the rules. Biden resigns, Kamala duly becomes President and we play it out from there.

By the way, the fact that the Dems are considering officially nominating Biden on July 21 virtually is proof positive that if he dropped out, they could hold a delegate vote on July 21, to establish which candidates get into a debate before voting again leading up to the convention.

The Biden klan has intentionally been trying to make Kamala a poison pill this entire time, most obviously when they gave her the no win assignment of solving immigration.

Fine, give me the arsenic, anything to end this nightmare!