Hanging on to Biden despite massive liabilities just makes the Dems look childish. Just level with the public, say OK we’ve got Kamala ready to go, no actual voter is going to be mad that they didn’t stick with their guns and force Biden on us.

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He did.

But I think the standard for President of the United States should be a bit higher than: Answers questions effectively at times but occasionally goes full Miss Teen South Carolina.

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Yeah that’s fair, and won’t get pushback from me.

It’s also not what was being discussed


Although this may be one of those “calling it by the old name situation”

There was no Biden fundraiser at the Four Seasons restaurant on Park Avenue in 2023. That restaurant closed in 2019.

Maybe he meant Four Seasons Landscaping.


Guy who admitted he didn’t watch the debate lecturing someone who watched the full thing on what happened during it…Ok

The Trump line about “I have no idea what he just said there and I don’t think he does either” was so devastating because as the viewer I also literally had no idea what Biden was ever saying during the debate.

There wasn’t a single answer Biden gave during the entire debate where I felt like he effectively communicated a winning message to the American people.

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I really think the pundit class is drastically underestimating the pop a youthful, energetic candidate would get. You introduce Whitmer or Newsome to the country at the convention with a fiery speech and you’ll get immensely positive coverage for days. On top of that the contrast to literal fossil man will be so good. There are so many people filled with disgust at this matchup who can and will re-engage.

And of course those two aren’t polling great yet, NOBODY KNOWS WHO THEY ARE.


I don’t think that matters in terms of the election. Biden doesn’t have to promote a plan to fix the supreme court. They just need to go on the offensive regarding their corruptness, Trump’s role in the court getting that way, and what will happen if he is given another shot at the presidency with this court.

Full court press on that. Trump was already lawless and corrupt but if we think the first term was bad we haven’t seen anything yet. This needs to be basted through mainstream media over and over again. Any time Biden’s age comes up just ignore it and pivot to Trump’s dishonestly and corruption and the complicit support of the corrupt supreme court.

Biden tries to pivot to the Court but nobody can understand what he is saying. Trump pivots to open question of whether Biden wears diapers or just deals with occasionally shitting his pants.

Game, set, match.

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sure but IF this happens, we’re gonna get harris

like, literally 95% of the country thinks both of these guys are too old to be allowed to run for president and we’ve got a bunch of people handwringing that the optics of biden saying “im too tired to go through four more years” would be bad

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Kamala is fine. More than fine. Only way it’s Newsom is if Biden loves him, which I doubt is the case.

New CNN poll post-debate.

Trump +6.
Biden disapproval 64% (all-time high).
75% think Democrats have a better chance in November if Biden steps aside.


See, the Biden polling is actually reliable because he is known and the objections are based on immense experience with him and people using their fucking eyes and ears.

Polling on alternative candidates is not as useful because nobody knows shit about them.

In the words of Don Draper this is the biggest opportunity since the invention of cereal. Everyone elses candidates are old. Our candidate is ________


Only +2 for Kamala. Joe and his family will go down as some of the worst people in American history if he stays in and loses. I mean say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, at least it’s an ethos.

Trump must be having so much fun. Can’t wait for him to steal Joe’s line and riff on it:

“don’t compare me to the Christ almighty, compare me to the alternative……and Christ almighty, just look at the alternative”

Right now the best argument for Biden is that some polls show him not losing ground off the debate (while others show him losing a lot!)… But he’s losing by 6, and running 8-9 points behind an EC victory. And the game plan to make these up is what, win the next debate (if Trump goes through with it)?

We’re seeing models take Trump into the mid 70s in equity, and this far out it’s hard to do much better than that.

And pundits keep looking at the head to head polling, but this is a 5 way race. In the 5 way CNN poll, Biden is at 35%. Kennedy is up to 14%.

Well yes, but it’s like that Chinese proverb about planting trees.

The best time for Biden to announce he isn’t running was 18 months ago. The second best time is now.


Especially since Bernstein himself referred to it as “the old Four Seasons.”

29-year Congressman…


It seems like elected Dems gave Biden time to do the right thing on his own, and he and his team waited hoping it would blow over and they could survive it without doing any pressers or interviews. But now the pressure will crank up.