I’m sure they will try but I think once you get a non senile candidate nominated you can release Pete/etc onto the media and just relentlessly hammer away on Trump once the uncertainty of who will be D nominee is gone. Even if Biden stays in once is officially nominated I think some the frenzy will die down because obviously it’s big news to have a potential switch this late so media is reasonably very interested in that story

Most of us interpreted it as Biden thinking he ran in 2020, which is the most reasonable interpretation of what Biden meant. And if he was referring to 2008, my response is ok and what’s the point? And again, if you announce you’re not running 15 months before the Iowa caucus and you never filed to run, you didn’t run.

Kamala has more equity than Biden. Open process >>> Kamala >>>>> Biden.

Anyone who can spend 90-120 seconds speaking coherently about each of abortion, healthcare, democracy, and not being a felon in the next debate is an upgrade.

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I agree with you as long as we are also saying that we are no longer concerned about the competency of the candidate. Let’s get back to bickering about the quality of the candidate.

Ok sure, but still wrong. And if you’re going to use it to build a case that Biden can’t remember enough to be president because you forgot about an abbreviated run in 2007… that’s just irony my friend

Quick, certain, and decisive > Open process. IMO.


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You seem to over and over get hung up on whether things are true or not which is mostly irrelevant in this election. The issue is Biden needs to know his audience is a bunch of normal people and communicate clearly and with purpose. If his purpose was to show off his memory he needs to add another sentence on there for example identifying the date or circumstances he was referring to. But it seemed like he was just saying whatever thought passed through head when he heard a name with no purpose which is one the big problems with his communication right now.

Biden thinking that the only reason Warner wants Biden to drop out now is that his 2007 “run” was unsuccessful is Trumpian levels of delusion and paranoia.


Au contraire surf. Here, in this rather small audience, we can focus on what is true and what is not. If someone brings up something obviously false, we should be able to correct it here.

More generally, I don’t think anyone here has advocated harder for democrats to push their message and argued that people think false things like “the economy is bad” because a mixture of them being soft and media being corrupt.

The problem here is that I see the same problem. Democrats are crapping their pants mostly because they’re soft (some think they can get someone more to their liking) and seem to think that their core problem will change if they just get the old guy out.

The problem is that whoever will replace him will have some other thing, and they have to grow a spine and stand up for themselves effectively. Changing Biden won’t change the issue, and imo that greatly limits the upside of such a move.

It wasn’t an abbreviated run, he never ran! He considered running and didn’t.

Who gives a flying fuck about what Mark Warner did or did not do in the mid- to late-2000s?

The only data point we need to see that Biden is clearly unfit to run is that debate. And if that isn’t enough, all the nothing he did in the week following to assuage concerns.


You make it sound like Ds haven’t won 3 of the last 4 presidential elections. It’s not like they asking Biden to step down because Fox News told them bacon is to expensive or some BS, this has nothing to do with being soft, Ds actually being pretty cutthroat right now to give president the middle finger to win an election

Trying to impose some super tight definition specifically for your argument is bullshit too.

If it’s a question of our dementing guy vs their delusional guy then maybe we disgustingly force swing voters to choose our dementing guy. But if our guy is both dementing and delusional then Trump is actually the better gamble for swing voters.

So your defense of Biden’s indefensible comments are



You’re trying to impose a super tight description of what Biden meant. Totally wasn’t referring to 2020, like everyone thinks, he was definitely remembering that time 18 years ago when Warner considered running but announced he wouldn’t 15 months before Iowa without ever being in a debate or campaigning.

Who knew the fall of democracy would center around arguments about whether or not Mark Warner ever ran for President?


Finally figured out how to log in here. Haven’t been able to reset password for some reason but semantikesing how senile Biden is or isn’t is pointless. Dude is toast.

He was already horribly unpopular and losing and since then has lost a ton of support among donors and elected Dems with a good chunk of his voters openly calling for him to quit. Most importantly the media wants him to quit and will not stop until he is gone. None of the rest of this matters. He will be gone within the week and we can move on to Kamala or whoever.


Welcome back, glad to see you here! Hope you’ve been doing well.

Hopefully he’s gone within the week - I think it’s likely but not certain yet. Totally agree otherwise.


If anyone wants to bet I will bet he indicates he will not be the nominee by Friday(or is otherwise removed from office or similar) at 11:59pm EDT for $100. Even money.

Not real sure how to word it but basically this will all be settled by the end of next week imo. Prominent and powerful Dems surely realize how bad this is for the country and party.

I’ll take the other side of this, if I understand correctly (you win if Biden announces he’s withdrawing or gets 25A’ed or dies or is otherwise incapacitated by 11:59pm Eastern on Friday June 12, I win if none of that happens).

I kinda hope to lose but this will make it more of a fun sweat instead of just feeling an impending sense of doom all week :harold: