
Again, untestable, but I have zero doubt that our hero would have no problem getting licensed in CA and getting a job in the Bay Area. That’s a very different fate from other doctors who are tried for murder from a reputation standpoint. There is no way this person’s best option is coffee shop owner due to reputational harm.

I also think your are way underestimating pro-choice folks if you are sure that the doc in question couldn’t find a job practicing locally (in one of the 4 major TX metros). I think there are people who would go out of their way to help someone as brave and selfless as this. Wouldn’t you? Of course, this is also untestable, and you could be right, but I don’t think “reputation is shot” is a given.

Two medical centers allegedly denied the woman a surgical abortion because her case was not considered emergent enough, Hamilton said, despite the fact that her fetus’ heartbeat had stopped.

I think I commented on this before, but the facts as described don’t seem like something directly attributable to the Texas abortion law. They gave her an abortion pill. Obgyns really prefer to do medical management over surgical for this kind of thing, but I couldn’t tell you exact stats or why.

A heartbeat stopping absolutely is not an must do indication for a surgical procedure here

Odds they voted MAGA since 2016 : -300
Odds they will continue to vote MAGA: -120

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…but Joe Biden is an existential threat to America so I have no other choice than to vote straight red all the way.

It’s going to be fun when Paxton is AG.

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working as intended

obv working as intended, but I’m struggling with the article’s reliability as the first thing they say about ectopics is wrong.

Possible ectopics get d/c’d all the time. The second one doesn’t seem like that, the first one maybe.


This is kind of a weird stat because presumably most of those infants who died would have been terminated during pregnancy. So it’s more a story of human pain and suffering than an increase in death.

Yeah but if they were born, then immediately baptized. That’s a lot of souls saved, not stuck in limbo (or whatever the books says).

Chessmate, libtards.


Infuriating read. Georgia Republicans killed her.

Tbf it looks like incompetent medical care was a huge role here as well

Like the thing about the blood pressure medication? Perhaps, but it seems like they were only in that position in the first place because they were so hesitant to perform a D&C.

Retained POC isn’t an abortion though. She already had an abortion. I’ve seen plenty of OBs sit on these too long. It’s a fairly common thing to undermanage sepsis. Could the law have played a role here? Sure we don’t know the details . But I’ve seen incompetence do exactly this