Arguing about whether the economy is in fact good or bad

All of those are things he can absolutely run on. Nobody in this thread doesn’t think he should. None of those are ‘the economy has been super great since COVID’.

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People in this thread don’t seem to be aware of these things happening! Perhaps that’s is relevant to how they think about the economy. Perhaps their minds would change if you pointed out all the good things you did as well as traditional measurements showing things are good.

People are not defining how they’re doing as some sort of expression of what median income or inflation is. They are being force fed a narrative that is biased. That narrative has to be challenged.

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I’m very aware of all of those things. In their big picture context which is that we have a massive massive climate migration that is, no exaggeration, 1-2B people headed for the non equatorial regions of the world , that we are just seeing the opening couple of moves of. The current ‘migrant crisis’ is just an amusing little free course at the start of a 50 course prix fixe menu that we are dangerously close to being fully committed to. I’m not anti immigrant at all, in fact a lot of places on earth will get saved demographically by this, but it will be massively disruptive and destabilizing… and we just aren’t that stable.

We haven’t gotten anything of note done in this country in 40 fucking years for the working class. Nearly every change was negative… and now it’s about to start getting genuinely weird.

So that’s why the tone isn’t more congratulatory toward Biden, although I absolutely have more than once said he’s the best president in terms of situationally adjusted job performance in my lifetime. The Afghan withdrawal was a perfectly timed act of political courage, which is my favorite kind of act of political courage because it potentially lets you have your cake and eat it too, which is exactly what Biden did.

Good news though you and I will be fine. I will be fine because in 2017 I arranged the transportation of 4% of the nations ~95,000 watermelon loads and didn’t have a single transportation claim. Other than my wife making 20-30 check calls every morning I did that shit alone. You will be fine because you’re an ER doctor and people aren’t going to stop hurting themselves or getting sick. Both of these skillsets will be valuable in the increasingly tense future. But you see how increasing demand in our respective lines of work isn’t exactly good news for the human race? Boom times for problem solvers doesn’t sound like boom times for the people having problems to me.

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Agreed that climate change was the most pressing issue of Biden’s administration…. good thing Biden used every ounce of political capital he had to jam through a massive climate package through with a freaking coal miner as the deciding vote. Hell, maybe he did threaten to go after Manchin’s daughter to pull off that miracle.

It’s general election campaign season, you absolutely should be extremely congratulatory of the best President of your lifetime even if you still think everything is all doom and gloom. Message should be look at all he accomplished with the bums you stuck him with, give a real majority and we are off to the races.

counterpoint: we gave the eDems SIXTY FUCKING SENATORS and they gave us the most watered down healthcare bill you can imagine, a literally clone of an uninspired GOP plan and oh btw they didn’t bother to codify Roe


A lot of people let Obama off the hook for doing Obamacare instead of real financial reform. I do not. Rahm Emmanuel may be a piece of shit but he’s not incompetent, and he was entirely right about that spot.

Cool, they gave Barack two years before flipping the fuck out and delivering one of the worst midterm smack downs of all time in favor of a bunch of libertarian ghouls. Hell, even before the midterms the wise people of Massachusetts elected a doofus Republican Senator to stop teh socialism. People get the government they demand.

The economic reality of regular people is relevant to how I think of the economy, especially in terms of whether Biden should run on “Look how good I did on the economy!”

This condescending strategy isn’t going to go over well with voters who didn’t tangibly benefit.

He had one chance to pass a major piece of legislation and he watered it down to make it bipartisan in an egregious miscalculation that wasted time. He had a political mandate and a trifecta with 60 seats. That was a major misstep, and should never be reduced to “Cool,” and then excuses. I liked Obama a lot, but he messed that up and he messed up with Garland. It’s all largely evidence of an establishment party that doesn’t want significant progress for the working class.

At least he was a great campaigner and much better at governing down the stretch, unfortunately the voters responded better to Fox News propaganda.

:sunglasses: is not being condescending, it’s just acknowledging the obvious reality that winning one election, even in a curbstomp, isn’t going to transform the country. Have to at least hold serve two years later but the American people decided to get on the Koch plan instead.

How many elections then

About this many:

Instead we are 40 years into people consistently voting for this:

Y’all take about Biden and Obama like two bad parents who didn’t work hard enough to sneak vegetables into their kids’ meal… ok, fine, but you see the underlying problem, right?


90th percentile must have gotten slaughtered in 2023 to drop their average by so much from the 2022 version of that chart

Also from the source of the 2023 chart:

I couldn’t find the wages for the 2023 90th percentile, but in 2022 the 90th-99th was $183,511 so they only got an extra ~$1,650 with a 0.9% increase…although that excludes that last 1% who averaged $785,968 in wage income who got a $7,000 increase.

They are missing the 10-20 and 80-90 percentile ranges. Or the first and fifth quintile bars are mislabeled.

nm. I didn’t read the graph note. I would prefer to see the whole distribution.

Yeah this is the point I keep hitting on, bottom 10% going up by a few percent is not relevant to improving people’s lives much. You can’t support a household on 18k/yr any better than 17k/yr.

Practically what this looks like at bottom 10% is someone with schizophrenia or a intellectual disability living in a group home supported essentially entirely by government benefits now makes 4500/yr instead of 4100 at their part time job. That 10% looks great on paper and they obviously love having an extra 400 a year for clothes/cigs/carry out but it’s nothing like the difference in someone’s life supporting a family of 4 on 66k instead of 60k.

(And to clear I’m not saying it’s bad that bottom 10% is going up, but it needs to be going up like 80% to make a big difference)


I know Stancil is annoying but I think he’s basically right here.

This is literally the same data everyone is telling you is not indicative of reality for most people, and you keep proudly reposting it every time a different Twitter account posts it.

The 90th percentile and up for sure have more riding on stocks and home prices than wages, unless they just cracked that percentile.

No it’s two people who have yet to present a clearly better alternative

Thanks Biden, that’s why a Big Mac meal cost $18.