Ask me about the Apple Vision

I get awful bouts of vertigo occasionally so I’m terrified that this VR stuff will send me into a bad place. Probably going to avoid using them for as long as I can.

I think you can schedule a demo at an Apple Store, if you are curious.

This is not just a headset. It’s a fashion statement.

What’s the porn like?



Like a drive-in

Yikes! I haven’t even walked much in them, this seems like a really bad idea.

How close is the experience to how it’s depicted in the these videos?

My main hope with VR is that by the time I’m old enough for it to hurt to move (which may be tomorrow at this rate) that I can just pop one these things on for 16hrs between sleeping in my nursing pod


Pretty close although my apartment is shittier. It does really well in well lit spaces, once the light starts to get dim the pass through isn’t as great. I don’t know what app that surfer dude was using, but it sort of implied you could do multi-monitor work stuff and you can’t. You can have one monitor from a laptop or other mac silicon computer and then the rest of the windows are Apple Vision apps, which are primarily iPad apps at this point. (Oh, and the Macs have to running the current version of macOS) The Face Time calls are pretty much as shown, the persona’s are weird looking but possibly close enough if everyone has them. I haven’t worn it around other people so I can’t speak to that, all the reviews say the eye thing is creepy and dim though.

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Have you looked at yourself in the mirror to see how the eye thing looks to you?

In a video review I heard that the headset can feel heavy after a while. Have you experienced that?

I haven’t, I’m not going to be wearing it around people enough that I really care one way or the other what it looks like. I’ve worn it for more than an hour at a time and with the double strap it’s fine, the single strap is cool looking but it pulls the mask against the ridge above your eyes and gets uncomfortable after 30 minutes or so.

Played with the game room today and it’s pretty impressive. The 3-D is very real looking, but even this should give an idea playing Solitaire on Moon.

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Got my optical inserts today and things look great! The immersive video of Alicia Keys makes if feel like you are sitting in the studio with the band while they are playing, disconcertingly close. The line walker shots of someone over a thousand foot drop are really a bit scary. Super impressive visuals.


Now for the bad news. The screen mirroring with Mac computers seems to be sensitive to VPNs so you have to connect to apple vision before turning on the VPN and then I think there was still network issues with it. I’ll need to do some digging. I’ve used it on 2 zoom calls and on both calls the audio stopped working about 15-20 minutes into the call. Both of these could be issues with my network, but it’s still a pita that it isn’t working. Working on a movie screen instead of 2 regular monitors and a 49" wide screen is probably a wash; changing desktops isn’t that bad and the little monitors were usually for screens I could use iPad apps for on the Apple Vision. May need to go into the office and see if it behaves better on that network.

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I think I know what kind of photos he was editing IYKWIM.

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Wonder if the headaches are more related to the physical strain on head/neck of having a weight strapped to your face or more related to the actual visual VR experience/eye strain/etc

The Verge ’s product manager, told me that he thought using the device led to a burst blood vessel in his eye.

Oh for fucks sake.

I thought about returning mine but the immersive video and movie watching plus the promise of cooler stuff to come is enough for me to hang on to it. I’ve had no health issues while using the device and while it doesn’t disappear from my consciousness like wearing glasses, I’ve worn it for hours without it being so distracting I couldn’t go on with my movie. Now’s probably a good time to start looking for refurbed ones on the Apple store.


Yeah that’s not caused by the Vision Pro and is completely harmless

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