COVID-19: Year 4 - You down with JN.1?


Awesome. I’ve got some India work travel coming up late October. I’m going today to get any specific shots I need for that. Then I can get the flu Covid double when the new Covid vax is available.

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Just came here to post that the vaccines should be available in a few days.

The writers always coming up with twists

Dr. Anthony Fauci, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, is recovering at home after being hospitalized with West Nile virus, a spokesperson said.

We were told that vaccines don’t work.


Are the updated vaccines available for children yet? I can’t seem to find anywhere in New York State that offers it.

We haven’t seen any availability for under 7 yet

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Amazing how slow this rollout has been. ALMOST like the CDC and FDA are still pushing mass infection. Locally owned pharmacy near us emailed us that kids vaccines won’t be available until this weekend. Kids have been back in school for over a week.

Also, seems like Novavax availability is still TBD.

I had to cancel plans with a buddy this past weekend because he had Covid, and this year’s vaccine is out, so I thought it could be interesting to do a couple polls to see where the forum is at.

Have you had Covid-19?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
Will you get this year’s Covid vaccine?
  • I’ve gotten them all so far, let’s keep it going.
  • I’ve had one or more of them, might as well get another.
  • I’ve gotten enough, no more for me please.
  • I’m not putting that poison into my body.
0 voters
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I’m traveling to the east coast on 10/21 to do an epic roadtrip with my 89 year-old father, getting the jab on 10/4.


Poll needs an option for “I already got the updated vaccine.” It’s been out for a few weeks, and I got it a week ago.

Also needs an option for “I get it twice a year by claiming to be immunocompromised…”. Better than letting it go to waste because of all the anti-vax idiots in this country imo.


I got the updated COVID booster, flu shot, and TDAP booster last Friday.

My left shoulder was sore and I couldn’t lift my arm above my head yesterday but I think it was just a coincidence.


Good planning! Hope your trip is lots of fun!

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You’ll be ready for the 20g rollout.

Glad I’m not the only one!

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If I didn’t have a cold last week I’d have gotten jabbed (c19/flu) before this trip to Iowa.

If you get a covid booster with the flu shot, will it always be the “updated” one? Does it need to be a specific one (are we still doing the pfizer vs. moderna thing?) or are all of them “updated”?

Novovax is advertising the shit out of their traditional vaccine. Wink wink that RNA stuff will kill you.

So yeah give me Moderna or Pfizer. I don’t care which.

I’m now alternating between them. mRNA in fall as it should be more updated (although we may have just gotten fucked on that with the new variant), and Novavax in spring for broader immune response.