Definitive All-Time Disney Original Song Bracket Battle: It's the Circle of Life

9 Seed: Belle - Beauty and the Beast


25 Seed: A Spoonful of Sugar – Mary Poppins

#9 Belle - Beauty and the Beast vs. #25 A Spoonful of Sugar – Mary Poppins
  • #9 Belle - Beauty and the Beast
  • #25 A Spoonful of Sugar – Mary Poppins
0 voters

4 Seed: I’ll Make a Man Out of You – Mulan


13 Seed: For the First Time in Forever - Frozen

#4 I’ll Make a Man Out of You – Mulan vs. #13 For the First Time in Forever - Frozen
  • #4 I’ll Make a Man Out of You – Mulan
  • #13 For the First Time in Forever - Frozen
0 voters

5 Seed: We Don’t Talk about Bruno - Encanto


12 Seed: Oo-De-Lally – Robin Hood

#5 We Don’t Talk about Bruno - Encanto vs. #12 Oo-De-Lally – Robin Hood
  • #5 We Don’t Talk about Bruno - Encanto
  • #12 Oo-De-Lally – Robin Hood
0 voters

2 Seed: Colors of the Wind – Pocahontas


18 Seed: What’s This? - The Nightmare Before Christmas

#2 Colors of the Wind – Pocahontas vs. #18 What’s This? - The Nightmare Before Christmas
  • #2 Colors of the Wind – Pocahontas
  • #18 What’s This? - The Nightmare Before Christmas
0 voters

7 Seed: Bare Necessities - The Jungle Book


10 Seed: Dos Oruguitas – Encanto

#7 Bare Necessities - The Jungle Book vs. #10 Dos Oruguitas – Encanto
  • #7 Bare Necessities - The Jungle Book
  • #10 Dos Oruguitas – Encanto
0 voters

3 Seed: Chim Chim Cher-ee – Mary Poppins


14 Seed: Almost There - The Princess and the Frog

#3 Chim Chim Cher-ee – Mary Poppins vs. #14 Almost There - The Princess and the Frog
  • #3 Chim Chim Cher-ee – Mary Poppins
  • #14 Almost There - The Princess and the Frog
0 voters

This is rather unfortunate seeding that my two favorite songs in this whole thing are matching up this early.

11 Seed: Hellfire - The Hunchback of Notre Dame


27 Seed: Be Our Guest - Beauty and the Beast

#11 Hellfire - The Hunchback of Notre Dame vs. #27 Be Our Guest - Beauty and the Beast
  • #11 Hellfire - The Hunchback of Notre Dame
  • #27 Be Our Guest - Beauty and the Beast
0 voters
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The field is stacked. I think that even someone who hypothetically votes with the majority every time (and I don’t think we’ve had such a person) is still regretting losing several beloved songs.

  • Tempted to vote against A Whole New World just because that totally inferior Aladdin song bounced Hakuna Matata, but I’ll be objective and say that this matchup is not remotely close.
  • Going with Belle in a matchup of two pretty decent songs.
  • I’ll pick the Mulan song in a matchup of two even better songs.
  • I’m not sure if this is a hot take or not, but We Don’t Talk About Bruno is not that good. It’s a perfectly average Disney song. Oo De Lally all the way.
  • Colors of the Wind also meh. What’s This slaps pretty hard.
  • Not feeling these Encanto songs. Also Bare Necessities is too good.
  • Chim-Chim whatever is kind of annoying. Almost There was much better.
  • Voting against Hellfire is painful, but it has to be done.

This region is much better than the last one.

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I’m struggling to find any songs in this contest with more YouTube views than Bruno. Let It Go, Into the Unknown, and all three entries from Moana are about it. Circle of Life comes close.

Oh, while I’m thinking of it, this will be the last batch of songs for a bit. I’ll be on vacation for a bit over a week starting next week, so we’ll resume after that.


Bare necessities is absolutely too good. That encanto take is super bad though, especially as it relates to this song. Honestly, most of these Disney songs suck, except through the prism of seeing these movies as a child. But this one is a completely beautiful piece of music, even without the movie context. Also, it got ripped off at the Oscars.

By Disney. Disney submitted only Dos Oruguitas for consideration by the Academy.

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Yeah, I’m saying Dos Oruguitas got ripped off. It was 100% the correct nomination and by far the best piece of music from Encanto.

If it wasn’t clear, that’s the song my post was about.

ETA: Like “we don’t talk about Bruno” is a nice kids song, Dos Oruguitas is an elite song.

You were replying to someone talking about Bruno, so that’s the one I thought you were talking about.

  1. A matchup of duets, although it’s only A Whole New World that really leans into the two part harmony. Most duets in this bracket are much more call and answer. This one is not remotely close.
  2. Belle easily. It seems I’m less of a Mary Poppins fan than much of this bunch, but A Spoonful of Sugar is just nothing special. Supercalifragilistic may be grating, but at least it’s more distinct.
  3. I’ll Make a Man Out Of You takes a while to kick in for me, but the choral work at the end is better than anything in For the First Time in Forever. I do appreciate the latter, though, if for no other reason than the Vaccination Day pandemic parody it spawned.
  4. I nominated Oo-De-Lally mainly for what I thought was personal nostalgia and to get some representation of a movie I watched a ton of times, hoping it might win once to validate the nomination and then make a timely exit for material I knew to be better. I did not in any way expect it to be drawing live to knock off what I think is a legit Fantabulous Four contender in Bruno. Did I create a monster? I mean, even the Bruno haters have to acknowledge that the modulation into “Seven foot frame, Rats along his back,” is anything but ordinary, and the polyphony to conclude the song is both delightful and at least I think a feature not used in any other song in the bracket. This should be a slaughter, and I’d hope that the people who may have heard too much Bruno take a step back and consider why that’s the case.
  5. A close decision for me. Colors of the Wind has a great message, but it takes too darn long to really hit its stride. What’s This takes a bit too, but you’re at least engaged from the first “What’s this?” I kinda feel guilty about it, but I’m going with Skellington.
  6. Another rough matchup. I would not be surprised if Bare Necessities is the longest lasting song from before 1987, and it’s got equity to win. Dos Oruguitas is really beautiful, and it’s no doubt handicapped by being in Spanish. I think what I ultimately don’t like about Dos Oruguitas is that in the climactic mariposa section, some of the riffs sound like they are lifted right out of Under the Sea. Tell me you don’t here “That’s why it’s hotter under the water” in there, no?
  7. My first instinct for Almost There was that it couldn’t possibly be eligible, because it sounds so much like an old time jazzy gospel or gospely jazz number I couldn’t place that it couldn’t possibly be original. Nope, it’s original, and it’s very much in my wheelhouse. Chim Chim Cheree, I agree that Dick Van Dyke is a legend and deserving of the acclaim, but man is his English accent annoying.
  8. Be Our Guest is doing a disservice to this song and at least the next song it faces, as it should have been seeded higher rather than wrecking some of the middling content that may have deserved to contend for another round or two. Alas, I am human and made this mistake.

Went on a disney cruise right before covid hit. One of my my memories was they had an adult disney theme marraige game. If i had dragged my parents to it they would have won for longest married and would have had to answer this question. What song describes your love life “A Whole New World” “Almost There” or “Its a small world after all”

Once again bumping for more votes, such as from @Jman220 (and family?)

Bare Necessities is going to win it, GOAT Disney song, 100%.