GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

I, for one, am shocked that the Party Of Small Government wants to get this involved in the private parts of 25 year old adults


From deeper in that Twitter thread:

Turning 18 does not mean one attains adult competency – particularly for life-altering medical decisions like gender transition

They’re of course going to pass other laws to protect not yet competent adults until they turn 26, like joining the military or applying for and receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans that can’t be discharged in bankruptcy, right?


Not confirmed GOP insanity yet but seems likely.

USA just having a normal one.

Could be another rogue 6-year-old.


Odds that one of these FC congresscritters unironically states in the next week or so that Pelosi had her knee on the neck of republican congressmen? Gotta be close to 100, right?

Party of the working class, everyone!

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Rufo, for those who haven’t heard of him, is basically a professional troll who makes a living by thinking of ways to whip people into frenzies over liberal politics:

Definitely someone who belongs in public education

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i wonder how much affect this will have at new college of Florida. it’s an incredibly liberal school in Sarasota.

i worked next door to it for years.

to be fair, i assume it’s probably more of an opportunity to throw a legitimizing hand out to his internet troll.

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I’ve heard about all the “faking his resume/life story/everything” aspect of this George Santos character, but did not know that he was also probably grifting campaign donations into his pocket:

Props to this guy, he’s really committed to not just limiting himself to one kind of campaign fraud, he wants them all. Live your best life.

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Lol, he is so going to jail.


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I know we live in crazy times, but a sitting congressman calling the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs a “traitor” seems unprecedented.

I feel like perhaps Milley should pay a visit to the good dentist and confront him on this issue. They’re both the same age (64) so it would be a fair fight in that sense.

Probably more dignified just to remind everybody that Gosar’s entire family endorsed his opponent in multiple recent elections.

Republicans wasting their power holding anti-J6 investigations sounds completely counterproductive. Nobody genuinely cares about J6 anymore outside of NPR politics reporters, are they making the same mistake the Dems did?

I’m pretty excited to learn more about the Pelosi-led J6 coup that Dems have spent two years sweeping under the rug. Sounds wild!

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I’m not sure it’s true that nobody cared about J6. I think the hearings damaged Trump pretty significantly.


Wealthy donors received calls and emails from a man who said he was Dan Meyer, McCarthy’s chief of staff, during the 2020 and 2022 election cycles, according to people familiar with the matter. His name was actually Sam Miele, and he worked for Santos raising money for his campaign, according to one GOP donor who contributed to Santos’ campaign. This financier and some others in this story declined to be named in order to speak freely about private discussions.

That. Cannot. Be. Legal!

World’s tiniest violin for these GOP donors though.


We’re overdue a good old fashioned fight in the Capitol.