GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

mccarthy will surely refer this to the ethics committee that the GOP has just dismantled

The J6 hearings did nothing except demonstrate to DeSantis that nothing will happen to him if/when he organizes a coup.


Why would DeSantis need to organize a coup?

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Exactly 1 no vote.

So 220/221 Republicans are all-in on the insane rules concessions McCarthy made that hand the keys to the debt ceiling to the batshit crazy caucus?

Wow, gonna be interesting.

Oh wow what happened to all the “reasonable” GOP dipshits who were “concerned” about these crazy rules

I guess proliferation and normalization of hate crimes goes here? Not exactly my neighborhood but pretty close!

Ring surveillance video captured a couple of teenagers walking to the house of a multi-racial family and putting up a “For Sale” sign with some bananas, a racial slur, and the name of the 16-year-old boy who lives there.

most disturbing was seeing how brazen the suspects were putting the sign up, smiling and taking pictures, then posting the photos on social media.

Team White Supremacy is not sending their brightest.

Sincere question, what do you charge them with in Arizona?

Good question. My superficial investigation concludes that there is the possibility of an enhanced sentence for certain felonies including threats and vandalism. But looking at the statues for “threatening or intimidating” and “criminal damage”, I doubt if this incident would qualify as either, even at the misdemeanor level.

Perps are probably minors anyway, it’ll be treated as a prank or hazing/bullying. There will be community outrage and soul-searching and hand-wringing.

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A suspect is in custody but cops aren’t releasing much info yet.

In other GOP insanity

“Natural has a much stronger methane profile”. Duh

To be fair, methane captured off rotting organic matter or an anaerobic digester should be considered green. Digging it out of the ground, not so much.

My partner has insisted that when we buy a house together it can’t have gas and I thought maybe it was just because her job is lobbying against LNG so I’m glad to see others are on board.

Being the least bad fossil fuel is not a ringing endorsement.

Are gas appliances more efficient than electric these days? Seems we should be able to convert natural gas to electricity at a power plant and send it over the wires more efficiently than some old clothes dryer or water heater.


Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., a Judiciary Committee member, nicknamed the panel “The MAGA Grievance Subcommittee.”

Direct thermal conversion is pretty hard to beat. Just keep the heat directed to where it’s needed and there is essentially no loss.

We regret to inform you that Karl Rove has gone woke

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