Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

Grain of salt obviously, but this is making the rounds


Maybe if they hit with their whole fuel still on board? But idk

Reminder, in conjunction with the edited tweet Riverman noted above, that Israel is running a full-on propaganda campaign to try to win support for their actions in Gaza.

ā€œwoops i wasnt supposed to publicly say we bombed a hospitalā€


And itā€™s gloriously failing. Tiktok, reddit, and the White House all seem to be trending toward sympathy for the Palestinians and a strong desire for Israel to show a substantial amount of restraint.

Honestly this is exactly what Bibi gets for being such a monster for such a long time. Weā€™ve all been inundated by news stories about awful shit happening in Israel to the Palestinians for like 5 years now. I guess they expected us all to forget all of that when the big terrorist attacks they somehow failed to prevent happened?

Iā€™ve got plenty of unpleasant things to say about the Palestinians that mostly stem from choices Arafat made in the 90ā€™s and the Bush enabled idiocy of Hamas getting elected in Gazaā€¦ but the Israeliā€™s decision to let the religious right have way too much power at the formation of the country has essentially prevented them from fixing the problem themselves despite having literally all the power.

So yeah thereā€™s no sympathy from anyone for Hamas and no sympathy from anyone to the idea that Israel should be allowed to commit genocide in response. This is perhaps the best take Iā€™ve ever seen from the global public and I hope to see more sanity in the future.

Clearly itā€™s unknown what exactly happened in this case but I think it has to be more than just a misfired rocket accidentally hitting the hospital.

Youā€™re right that a typical Hamas rocket canā€™t do that much damage. In the brief 2021 war Hamas launched 4300 rockets resulting in something like 12 Israeli deaths and 330 injured. Many of those rockets didnā€™t make it into Israel and many others were targeted and intercepted by the iron dome, but still, theyā€™re not leveling entire buildings when they get through.


Based on the below and other tweets the consensus on Twitter seems to be that it was an intercepted Hamas rocket.


The theory is that the rocket was hit in midair or broke apart for another reason. The first smaller explosion is from for example the motor section, the big explosion is the payload.
Read multiple times that Hamas definitely has rockets that can cause explosions that size.

Tinfoil hat on again but seems awfully strange timing that Biden was about to go have this big trip to Israel and suddenly a hospital blows up and there mass protests across region. Canā€™t imagine anyone smiling more about this than Putin??

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Ok default should be Hamas is not a credible source


With hundreds of children being slaughtered, conservative media asks, ā€œbut what did five 19 year olds at Harvard say?ā€

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weird how the standard zionist talking point now is ā€œthis is our 9/11ā€ and/or ā€œhamas forced us to do thisā€

like, yeah bro, after 9/11 the US flushed trillions of dollars down the toilet and got billions of people killed and accomplished approximately zero, have fun with that.

and wow, Hamas forced you to do this? you just let the terrorists tell you what to do and you just eagerly comply?

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another thing that has bothered me in the last couple of days:

Palestinian civilian killed at a hospital in north Gaza: oh well we warned them to evacuate

Israeli settler killed right outside of gaza a week and a half after hostilities: brave, innocent, etc

Iā€™ve seen people bash the media for being way too pro-israel and mindlessly repeating any propaganda the IDF hands them, and then other people bash the exact same outfits (usually CNN) for mindlessly repeating any Hamas propaganda they are handed, but one thing that is for sure is that US media completely ignores any discussion of settlements and what the israeli strategy has been with them (and the US media also has been extremely consistent in treating settlers as bog standard civilians, which is really not true at all).


A week ago:

Israel: ā€œWe fixed the bugā€


TIL Justin Amash is Palestinian.

Why are we AUTOMATICALLY taking the word of a HAMAS PALESTINIAN here? you support BABY murder now?

Amash is wrong on a lot of things, but heā€™s pretty principled and the three or so people I know who went to law school with him had nothing but good things to say about him

Supposedly IDF is assaulting the city today.

I am guessing that Thomas Friedman is not popular in these parts, but from: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/19/opinion/biden-speech-israel-gaza.html

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