Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

Let’s bomb some Lebanese people, who are most definitely complicit, because we can.

Lebanon has been lobbing missiles at Israel for days. I mean, wtf?

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Also, nonzero chance a ground invasion brings in other actors which would be bad.

An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. At some point someone has to choose to deescalate the violence. I would hope that’s before a whole shitload of violence, and I would hope that it’s the side that wants to be seen as the good guys, but hey, I’m just a dreamer.

Sorry, Israel doesn’t get to boohoo how Hamas chooses to behave. They’re a fucking terrorist organization! And they’ve been pushed to and over the brink repeatedly by Israel’s apartheid politics, so they’re even worse actors now compared to when they sabotaged the Oslo accords.

Israel gets to decide how they will act. The Vox article has some great suggestions on what to do, like a more surgical and short-lived operation targeting Hamas leaders relentlessly, while simultaneously giving more aid to the civilian population. Israel has even done this before to.modest success!

But of course, they won’t do anything resembling this. And that’s on them.

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I don’t have any history with Yuv, but his positions on UP seem extremely rational and way more balanced than you could hope for in the situation he’s in.


Ground invasion definitely leads to more deaths on both sides. I don’t think it’s particularly close.

When Hezbollah is shooting Iranian missiles at you while saying your country shouldn’t exist seems all countries would be likely to respond???

Honestly I was not too up on what their formal stances were in regard to Israel and it seems pretty :harold: from wiki

need to see more of this

NPR report this morning that support among palestinians (in both gaza and west bank) has not increased but support for “arming against settler aggression” has spiked.

Post was deleted because it was too catty.

Obama wrote a surprisingly good statement today:

That means actively opposing anti-semitism in all its forms, everywhere.

this is good, but impossible to navigate in this context when a very large percentage of the people involved in this debate think that even the mildest criticism of Zionism or the israeli state is antisemitism. I’m certain some or a lot of it could be historically motivated by antisemitism, but when it’s defined as “anything less than full throated support for anything israel does is anti semitic full stop” it doesn’t really a lot of room for any legitimate criticism whatsoever.

also obama has surprisingly good takes on most things. it’s just a shame he decided to dip out of the political commentary when he left office.

He speaks to this somewhat at the end of the quoted passage:

It means acknowledging … that it is possible for people of good will to champion Palestinian rights and oppose certain Israeli government policies in the West Bank and Gaza without being anti-semitic.

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The perfect tweet doesn’t ex…



WaPo: Israel-Gaza war prompts U.S. employees to demand companies take a side | non-paywall link

“A lot of us are dealing with harassment,” said an Amazon employee who is a member of the Arab employee resource group there and spoke on the condition of anonymity to protect his job. “They’re scared to speak out.”

As noted in the Poor Media Outlets thread, this is the kind of “cancel culture” that conservatives are 100% down with. I’m seeing this sort of thing at my job too.

RIP to this hospital, I guess.


It’s not that being critical of Zionism is anti-Semitic it’s that there are a lot of anti-Semites in the world and pretty much all of them are pretty aggressively critical of Israel.

This is one of the reasons it’s so important for actual Jews to not be silent about Israel. They’re some of the only people the Zionist nutcases can’t paint as anti-Semites, not for lack of trying lol.

You definitely do have to look at pro Palestinian materials with a bit of a jaundiced eye as well. They absolutely are not as innocent and blameless in this whole mess as they pretend. One of the most infuriating things about trying to interface with this subject at all is the level of bad faith you get from both sides.

This is not true. Many white nationalists, anti-Semites who’d deport all Jewish people if they had their way, also put up Israel as a model ethno-state where you can export lesser races to their own little fiefdoms and also rule in their own racial purity.


The osint people saying ground invasion happening.

To me one the most :harold: things I read was few days ago some high level US military person said something to extent Israel hadn’t developed actual concrete military goals