Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

Obviously just pure conspiracy theory from my standpoint but hard to imagine who has more to stand to gain than Putin by having Biden in bad spot with US citizens held hostage in Gaza right now. Gotta imagine there non-zero chance he was pulling strings via Iran??


Itā€™s not a conspiracy theory it was my first thought. People arenā€™t happy with Russia getting absolutely wrecked and they want to open another proxy war front. I wonā€™t be surprised when the Palestinians do way better than expected militarily because someone gave them better weapons. Someone being China and Russia. People being Putin and Xi.

Iā€™m sure backing Hamas has been an option for quite a few people for quite some time. I doubt theyā€™d go this big without at least some assurances that they wonā€™t just run out of ammo and have to melt back into Lebanon. Theyā€™ve given the IDF quite a bit of justification to go crazy here (as if IDF didnā€™t give them plenty of justification to do this but such is tit for tat) so if they try to pull the old hit and hide behind the human shields line again the settlers are going to take a looooooot of ground over the next ten years.

So to me at least Hamasā€™s actions make more sense if they think they can actually take some kind of victory here. No idea what that means to them though. Iā€™m extremely sure that if a major power actually sponsored full scale war with Israel Hamas would be happy to do that indefinitely. In fact thatā€™s really what Hamas should be doing to justify its continued existence. Very hard to morally justify being how they are as anything but a wartime army that can posture as something temporary.

Plenty of long term oppressed minorities have come up with leaders that donā€™t consistently choose attempted genocide with no chance to win. Itā€™s not a natural consequence whatsoever. Furthermore, Hamasā€™ rise to power happened during a time of relative peace. They capitalized on fatah being a shit government and a significant portion of the population wanting war

I really know nothing about Hams relations with China and donā€™t want to invest the time to read up, but can Russia afford to be giving away weapons right now? Wouldnā€™t Hamas be getting theirs primarily from Iran?

It wonā€™t be Iran. Iran is trying to normalize the region to get their economy back online. This whole situation is actually terrible for Iran. Itā€™s more likely to be Saudi Arabia deliberately trying to fuck with Iran than it is to be Iran.

If itā€™s Iran itā€™s some internal faction of their security apparatus trying to push Iran their own way. This will backfire SPECTACULARLY and those guys will almost certainly end up totally irretrievably fuckedā€¦ and Hamas will suddenly find itself sponsorless once again with the leadership of Iran super pissed at them.

Speaking of which Iā€™m pretty sure Iran is furious with Hamas right now.

The whole situation is a lot more complicated than you think it is. It sounds like you have Israeli friends and you may have taken their word for it. Iā€™ve got Palestinian friends and Israeli friends and Iā€™m telling you that both sides are lying to me lol. I trust the Palestinians about the Israeliā€™s and I trust the Israeliā€™s about the Palestinians lol. Theyā€™re also lying to themselves ldo. Very easy to see the other sides bullshit very hard to see your own.

You are the one with the oversimplified point of view here, claiming that hamas is the natural consequence is Israeli behavior. Iā€™m the one arguing itā€™s more complicated.

The whole ā€œit sounds like you have Israeli friendsā€ is, frankly, the same language used by antisemites.

I didnā€™t say Hamas was a natural result of Israeli behavior I said it was natural to the conditions on the ground. The expectations of the Palestinians as a population are wildly out of touch with reality and thatā€™s largely a result of how suddenly the world changed for them. Their leaders got them into this mess promising them pretty much total victory and instead they were totally defeated.

Israel isnā€™t a single coherent actor and neither are the Palestinians or Hamas itself. At this point weā€™re talking about incentives and how they play out over and over again.

Yes Israelā€™s actions over the last couple of decades have heavily contributed to Hamas being the dominant political force on the other side. Every action they took just about helped Hamas grow lol. And because the relationship is symbiotic every action Hamas took helped the Israeli right.

I donā€™t know how to interpret this in another way, but I see what you meant now

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Yeah itā€™s all good man. Iā€™m telling you itā€™s a goddamn disaster over there lol. Thereā€™s more than enough blame to go around. I promise at no point have I minimized what Hamas is. I categorize them in the same general family of human organizational types with the Tamil Tigers, the FARC, or continuing that devolution away from Hamasā€™s legitimacy the Lords Resistance Army.

None of those groups could ever be described as ā€˜the good guysā€™. In fact with the exception of the FARC none of those groups ever came close to cutting/keeping a deal and ended up causing a lot of harm in the world.

Late stage doomed rebel group that long ago turned into a business is a bad club to be in.

Literally every conversation with an Israeli or a Palestinian about the situation is basically just them saying ā€˜if the other side would just be reasonableā€™ while being wildly unreasonable.

Both sides want a single state solution where their side conclusively won. The only road to that realistically happening is the Israeliā€™s committing genocide. But the only road to the Palestinians goals is also lol genocide not to mention entirely fucking impossible based on conditions on the ground. Militarily the Palestinians lost but instead of negotiating based on that itā€™s just the ā€˜I didnā€™t hear no bellā€™ meme every seven or eight years if that.

The solution is negotiations in good faith based on reality, which neither side will do. The US helping the Israeliā€™s is helping to keep them from having to negotiate in good faith. With the Palestinians reality needs a carrot to seep in.

Jesus, this is horrific:

Yeah I donā€™t see how this plays out other than through a slow elimination of the Palestinian people. Israelā€™s plan seems to be to pen them all into the Gaza strip, cut it off from the outside world, and just hope they go away after a few decades. I guess not unlike how the US has handled whatā€™s left of the indigenous population.

Itā€™s easy to see the logic on both sides: after attacks like this you can see why Israel isnā€™t going to let Palestine have more access to outside resources. Also, easy to see how many desperate Palestinians are just going to say fuck it and go out killing as many Israelis as possible.

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Iā€™m staying off Reddit and TikTok because itā€™s hard to avoid videos from there and elsewhere.

Roughly 10 years ago I thought ā€œIā€™m a pretty smart guy, letā€™s figure this Middle East situation out.ā€ I did a shitload of reading and talking to people who know more about it than me. I came to the conclusion then, and I still think now, that itā€™s unsolvable. Layers upon layers upon layers of bad faith and manipulation that started wayyyyyyy before 1948. Assessing ā€œblameā€, imo, is impossible. Thereā€™s more than plenty to go around.

Between this and other worldwide developments over the last few years, Iā€™m just sad for and extremely cynical about humanity. I donā€™t think I still believe that the arc of the moral universe bends toward justice. My only response is to try to be kinder and more helpful in my daily interactions with people, from my family to somebody random at the grocery store.


Several russian-aligned hacker groups have been strongly linked to cyberattacks that launched basically simultaneously with the first rockets

I am guessing weā€™ll see more evidence bubbling up over the next few days

Anonymous Sudan is Russian-backed/controlled and DDoSā€™d the system that sends out alerts to Israeli citizens right as the attack started

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like you think this would get deplorables to shut up about the $6 billion oil money thing but this wonā€™t change anyoneā€™s mind. they could have live footage of putin kidnapping israeli kids and Gaetz would still be pushing to defund ukraine

Iran is doing none of that in Syria and Iraq

Iran is trying to puppet Syria and integrate Iraq in terms of long term goals. They would like the rest of the neighborhood be as quiet as possible lol.

Iā€™m going to be real with you guys a lot of people donā€™t seem to realize that Iran used to be the Persian empire. You take powers not from the region out of the equation and that entire part of the world lives inside Iranā€™s sphere of influence. Iā€™m not doing some bullshit realist take here where they get to conquer everyone or anything like that, Iā€™m just saying in that part of the world if thereā€™s a natural superpower the only candidates are Iran and Turkey. Those are countries with meaningful non oil economies, real militaries that arenā€™t entirely dependent on US aid, and crucially large populations.

Iran, like all large countries, is primarily preoccupied with the domestic economic/political picture. Right now they have large problems with the economy not providing anywhere near enough opportunities for an extremely educated population of mostly young people.

Thatā€™s why theyā€™re making nice with Saudi Arabia and hopefully staying out of this Hamas thing, although their relations with us are very bad (even though theyā€™re the best allies we have in the region and it isnā€™t close not that thatā€™s saying much).

If Iran is involved (and I mean to the extent that they are a major backer not just that the Russians got some info from Trump and used the Iranians to pass some intel to Hamas) theyā€™re involved because the people backing Hamas are the Chinese and Iran is about to massively increase trade ties with them. I really canā€™t overstate how unfortunate that development would be. Absolutely the dawn of a new cold war type of shit.

Because of course them making nice with Saudi Arabia at the same time wouldnā€™t be coincidence. Saudi Arabia would also be joining the Chinese blocā€¦ although honestly I think the Saudiā€™s are a liability to whoever the do business with so good fucking riddance.
