Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

Biden also has to be at least 6’5" to consider swiping right on her profile

Yeah the people who say they won’t vote for Biden are the ones who are wrong! Why are you defending them?

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What if I’m liberal who has been consistent in stating that Israel is committing genocide, Bibi should be brought in front of the ICC for war crimes, and I still think the Biden bashing from the left might be the stupidest thing I’ve seen them do politically in my lifetime?


I’m not “defending them,” the reality is that voters control their votes, even though you would like joe biden to control their votes. If they’re not convinced then it’s the candidate’s job to bring them on board.

Oh pvn the reality is that I want Joe Biden to win and think that the people who don’t vote for him over Gaza are fucking morons. If they aren’t convinced, they’re still fucking morons.

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if you want him to win then you need to go find some votes instead of complaining about morons. there are millions of voters out there, if you can’t get these go get some others. you’re not entitled to them, it doesn’t matter if they’re morons, they’re voters.

I mean you can really try to make this about how I feel entitled for other people’s votes, but it’s just not true. They’re simply morons, and you defending them is just weird.

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People are really stuck on “you can’t tell me how to vote”. Which, like, sure, but I can tell you how you should vote if you want outcomes x/y/z. And then they’re like “how dare you tell me how to vote, I thought this was a democracy”.


A - “I care about the plight of the Palestinian people, I have morals”

B - “OK you need to vote for the politicians that is trying to make things better for them instead of the guy advocating for their destruction”

A - “I’m sorry, that’s too much.”

PVN - “These people are totally reasaonable! You have to earn their vote!”

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did I say they were reasonable?

like, I agree with you that they’re dumb, whether they’re dumb or not literally doesn’t matter.

You sure are defending them a bunch while thinking they are dumb.

I guess on january 6th or whatever you can go to the electoral college count and stomp your feet about “dumb people” sounds like a good plan buddy

literally no idea why ikes is so mad about this, there are millions of other voters, go build a coalition like every other winning candidate ever has done

might as well get mad at the speed of light or gravity or whatever, be mad all you want it’s not going to change anything

I resent the idea that I’m limited to thinking the people who won’t vote for Biden from the left about Gaza are morons. It’s anyone from the left who has some complaint about Biden not being leftist enough .

I can at least understand the people in the middle or right not voting for Biden. Their belief system, wrong as I think it is, say that Trump is better than Biden.

The people who supposedly care about Gaza then following that with actions that obviously hurt Gaza are ludicrous to me. That’s a whole other level of brain rot that is fascinating and disturbing

I don’t see how this really changes anything, your argument is basically “well sure joe biden could triangulate a bit and build a coalition but that’s (unfair/undignified/morally repugnant/whatever) so (group X) should just suck it up and get on the bandwagon and get nothing in return”

I mean, sure, you can make this argument, go for it. Good luck at the polls with this thinking.

Perhaps they just knew that the whole thing was a sham from the beginning, bibi isn’t going for any ceasefire under any circumstances


why don’t you flip this around and admit that a candidate/party who won’t lift a finger to build a coalition with an important block of highly-aligned voters is a moron?

like I can just see one of those dumb mr beast type deals where someone approaches ikes on the street and says “We’ll give you a billion dollars but first you gotta cluck like a chicken” and he’s just gonna say “no that’s dumb just give me the money” and end up with $0. He’s absolutely right that it’s dumb.

It seems that you perceive the Biden administration being tougher on Israel to be a win/win proposition where they gain voters on the left and do not lose voters in the center, is that correct?

correct, I have been assured by ikes that the voters who think like he does are NOT morons, so of course they wouldn’t do this

It’s a similar argument on a bunch of different issues. At the end of the day, the GOP is an insane party. As a result, the people who really run the Democratic Party (wealthy donors) are repeatedly offering left wing voters a shit sandwich, and pointing to the steaming pile of manure that is the opposing candidate.

The writing seems to be on the wall that this is all this iteration of the Democratic Party is going to offer, and they’ll just continue to take advantage of the extremism on the right by offering up shitty propositions each election. I can’t be mad at people who think the slow creep to the right on everything leads to sure defeat, and taking a moral stand might not lead to sure defeat.

In this particular case, they’re probably wrong (Trump = sure defeat for longer, Biden = taking Ls for probably 8 more years), but what are the odds there’s a better proposition in four years or eight years?

At the end of the day, this is a cold blooded political calculation by the Dems, and it’s on them to ensure they get enough votes to hold off Trump, because they’re the ones taking advantage of him to shittify their own positions.

Except they have lifted way more than a finger, and saying otherwise is simply wrong