Podcast thread

the one that prompted this comment is an industry insider podcast I recently checked out because they had an interview with Josh Corman (who is probably the best pure thinker in cybersecurity right now, dude is iq 300) but the podcast itself is terrible. the host is pretty credible but only in a narrow area and of course he thinks he’s an expert in a lot of adjacent areas where it’s obvious he has no idea what he’s talking about. Also the podcast generally has a regular crew of like four people (so there’s tons of crosstalk) and it’s usually THREE HOURS per weekly episode, get the fuck outta here.

Radiolab is another one I don’t like, they don’t have a DJ-esque soundboard exactly but they use a lot of unnecessary sound effects that make it hard to listen at 2x speed.

someone mentioned hearing a lot of editing flubs suddenly, I’ve noticed a lot of spanish ads, ads that were intended for other podcasts (e.g. “thanks for listening to podcast X” inserted into podcast Y where X and Y are part of the same podcast “network” (I really dislike this term)), today’s omnibus was fine until the last 5-10 minutes where the editing went completelky off the rails, ken and john’s audio tracks were out of sync, a lot of outtakes that obviously should have been edited out were included (eg ken talking to the producer), loops, etc. And I’ve heard stuff like this recently but ususally it’s just a few seconds, this went on for 10-15 minutes.

I wonder if the way they are counting listeners is causing a reduction in amount of money they have to spend on editing?

I assume it’s poorly executed AI tbh. No real reason.

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fucking podcast “networks” make it so fucking hard to link to a particular episode, fuck off

anyway, Kara Swisher interview with Whitmer dropped today, she has a couple of lol democrat blubs (“all these great policy blah blah… biden has delivered on all of them… or he’s on the right side” lol nice recovery there) here but overall if she went up against Trump in the general she probably wins by 15 points

Kara Swisher has an interview with Ron Klain today and dude is just fucking delusional, absolute embarrassment, dude has drunk so much koolaid that he’s got diabeetus

Is there a single tech bro who isn’t totally loathsome?

Cuban was originally a tech bro. Does that count?

Are you a huge history nerd, I have a 3-part series on the 100 Years War, in which a Scottish guy explains why he hates Braveheart.

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Does anyone know what has happened to Anna and Dasha from Red Scare? It seems like they have gone all the way down the rabbit hole and come out as ironic, half-conscious Trump supporters? That somehow their criticisms of the left, many of which I shared, became so intense and personal (or something) to them that they became actually right-wing?

I haven’t listened to an episode of their actual podcast in a hot minute, so I’m not really sure, but I just can’t figure out where they’re at.


Listened to this Bernie interview last night. I thought he made great points about the economy and how to message the economic troubles for most people while still touting the administration’s economic progress.

It’s also amazing to hear how good of a communicator he is, even at 82 years old.

I know people have mixed opinions on nate silver but he was pretty good on the ezra klein pod today. he’s a little annoying trying to make “the river” happen (this is what he is calling the mindset of living in uncertainty and calculated risk, e.g. “SBF lived in the river” (and this is apparently part of his new book so the marketing makes sense I guess))

Nate doing the book tour podcast circuit, his appearance on Prof G today was more interesting than the Ezra Klein show, it started out kinda eye rolling but it’s pretty clear Nate isn’t seeking to lionize people he considers “in the river” or whatever, he was pretty brutal talking about both Elon and SBF and their inability to estimate risk etc.

Thank you for your service

if you’re a fan of Revolutions/History of Rome etc, you will probably like the 99 percent invisible book club series going on right now talking about The Power Broker. So far it’s 8 episodes, I think they are averaging like 2.5 hours which I generally hate but this shit is so good and it’s not really 2.5 hours each because they spend ~90 minutes discussing whatever section of the book, and then they have an hour or so with a guest (they’ve had AOC, Mayo Pete, jabouie, and others).


With my man Elliott Kalan!

oh yeah Kalan and Mars have good chemistry, like the only thing I can’t stand about revolutions is that it’s just monologue and even though Mike Duncan is really good at it, it’s still way, way better to have a conversational podcast

This is SO GOOD. The book is awesome but super super dense, these guys absolutely nail it.

The Dems need to fire all their strategists and hire Anat Shenker-Osorio immediately, she’s crazy smart about how to do messaging:

I looked for this book at my library but found that it was not available as an e-book. I guess that was Caro’s choice, and he has recently changed his mind:

‘The Power Broker’ Is Finally Getting a Digital Edition. What Took So Long?

Robert Caro is obsessed with paper. He’s spent decades meticulously combing through the pages of archives. He writes his books on legal pads, then types them up on an electric Smith-Corona typewriter, making paper carbon copies as he goes. His mantra — cribbed from advice he received as a young investigative reporter — is “turn every page.”

Caro is such a staunch partisan of print that for years, he has refused to publish an e-book edition of “The Power Broker,” his revered 1974 book about the urban planner Robert Moses, whose bridges and expressways reshaped New York City, displacing hundreds of thousands of people and devastating entire communities along the way. An electronic screen would diminish the reading experience, Caro felt, and mar the precision of his line spaces and paragraph breaks.

But about a year ago, Caro, 88, relented. After prodding from his publisher, Knopf, he approved a digital edition of “The Power Broker,” which will be released on Sept. 16 to mark the 50th anniversary of the book’s release.