Television & Movies

Hollywood executives are literally some of the least impressive people on the planet. Trust me, I knew lots of them. A random poster in this thread would do a better job than David Zaslav, and that’s not at all an exaggeration.

is there a way to get streaming local channels without buying a whole package like hulu live or youtube TV? I just want to record jeopardy and don’t give a shit about CNN or ESPN or whatever


Nine months out of the year I’m paying $75/month for YouTube TV almost exclusively to watch the NBA :harold:

yeah I don’t want to buy any more shit and I don’t want to flip between HDMI inputs, I just want an app that has jeopardy

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If you already have a Tivo I think a $15 antenna would do the trick?

your pony would do the trick

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Hyperspace jumping space whales? WTF?


my reaction exactly

Apparently if you had watched approximately 300 episodes of clone wars and rebels you would know

A couple Tarantino items…

Any takes here on Once Upon a Time in Hollywood? I noticed it on one of the streaming services and wondered where I should slot it into my watchlist.

Also, I watched Inglorious Basterds for about the third time last week. At the risk of being provocative, why do people like this movie so much? It’s okay, but far from the level of the better Tarantino offerings, like Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill, etc.

It seemed to me that Basterds is lacking in a lot of the signature Tarantino stuff: tricky timeline, funky retro soundtrack, snappy dialog (maybe due to the fact that so much of the dialog was in French or German). Maybe people like that the movie has less “Tarantino-ness”?

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I agree with this take, Inglorious, Django, Once Upon a Time are overrated. Not bad by any stretch but in a lower category than early Tarantino. I couldn’t exactly say why, the only thing that comes to mind is that his early work is set in contemporary times and the later stuff is in different historical periods, not sure why that would make a difference but maybe there’s something to that.

I would def watch Once Upon a Time but I’d give it 4/5 bags at most.


I’ll co-sign this.

It was pretty good, but not great. It was WAY better than his previous film though.

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I’ve got it as solid middle of the pack, but I’m sure my rankings are non-standard.

  1. Kill Bill
  2. Pulp Fiction
  3. Inglourious Basterds
  4. Reservoir Dogs
  5. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
  6. Jackie Brown
  7. Django
  8. Death Proof
  9. Hateful Eight

+1 on Once Upon a Time being well worth the watch, though far from the best Tarantino film.

See, I found so much of the dialog in Basterds to be absolutely hilarious, but I know some German. Even outside of the famous “3 beers” scene, I found it riotously funny how badly these American spies were at pretending to be German. Notably, the woman pretending she broke here ankle while “bergsteigen” (mountain climbing). That’s something boorish Americans think Germans do all the time, not something the average German does all that often, given that the only mountains are in a small sliver in the very south of the country, not any appreciable part. Bergsteigen was the go-to response to Monday morining queries in German class as to what we did the past weekend if we wanted a cheap laugh without having to think hard for the vocabulary about what we actually did, so seeing it as a dubious explanation for an injury delivered with all the believability of a Monday morning German class answer was amazing. Also, I think the term applies more to, like, summiting Everest than it does to, say, a hike that may go up 1-2 thousand meters in elevation that’s much more plausible for this beautiful woman to have been doing.

Brad Pitt’s accent in the movie slays me, and the climax occurring in a movie theater feels Hitchcockian in how some of his movies themselves make reference to making movies. It’s also hard for me to overstate how good Christoph Waltz was as cheery but sadistic villain. I don’t put it above Pulp Fiction, but at least in terms of my own personal enjoyment as opposed to trying to quantify artistic greatness, it’s one of his top 4 films for me. Maybe I even put it #3 along with BH.


My top 3 are my top 3 because I think they’re all artistically great and infinitely rewatchable.

I can accept just about any ranking of Tarantino movies as long as Hateful Eight is at the very bottom.


Django is pretty mid.