The Donald J. Trump — Live Tweeting/Truths & Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Wait what

Defense always goes last don’t they??

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Could be a big day for Trump tweets today!


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Periodic reminder that the Wall Street Journal is an absolute disgrace of a publication representative of the wider GOP “establishment” that wants credit for being part of polite society while carrying water for the coup guy at every possible turn.

It is truly astonishing 9 years into this shit they think they can control him. He’s just going to shake them down like the mob boss he is.

well there ya go, case closed

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“Ironically”… oh fuck off.


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Did you see De Niro in the Irishman, the part where “young” De Niro had to beat up a store clerk. It was so, so bad. Most of the blame goes to Scorsese, but we can’t yet fully obfuscate an 80 year old man to play a 40 year old character, so Bob, like, sit these ones out, you’ve already lost your orange fans fan base, they don’t care about anything you say, and you just look silly to the rest of us who remember you from stomping on Billy Batts 34 years ago… Unless these geriatric fucks come out in state of the art android suits, spare me.

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