The Donald J. Trump — Live Tweeting/Truths & Discussion Thread (Part 2)

this is fucking amazing, he’s tweeting like he was in 2012, musing on Robert Pattinson and whatever her name is, keep it up you fucking dipshit, this is perfect

They’ve been flailing for 28 hours, we should enjoy it even if we don’t spike the football. They usually settle on an effective message faster than this.

I can’t enjoy anything until Trump is not in the White House next January. I’ll try my best, though.


WEEKS of avoiding this thread and now I eagerly await each new “Truth” with bated breath.

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I always bristle when Trump rolls out “Biden is the worst president in history.”

I love learning about history, and this country, and past US Presidents.

By any objective measure, James Buchanan is my clear number 1 pick for worst ever President.

And even though it wasn’t entirely his fault, we’ve never as a nation taken as big a big step back as we did during the Herbert Hoover administration. He’s my number 2, in a world where results matter, and you are what your record says.

Do we think Trump could even NAME Buchanan as the 15th President?

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He couldn’t name him as a president period.

If anything he’d probably think you were talking about Pat Buchanan.

Where you got Trump?

At least Buchanan didn’t try to start the civil war. Trump et al are doing their best.

RT: Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
J.D. Vance and I will be interviewed on Jesse Watters tonight at 8 P.M. ET on Fox News. Enjoy!

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“Laughin’ Kamala” is what Trump has settled on so the pictures support the dumb nickname.

I think it’s really hard to compare apples to apples across eras and political landscapes that are that different.

I’m comfortable saying Trump is the worst MODERN president, including Nixon and Dubya.

For Buchanan, the stakes were absolutely existential for the survival of our Nation. His lack of leadership and vision in the face of fierce controversy nearly strangled the fledgling Republic in the crib. That’s why he’s my clear number 1.

Incidentally, Buchanan beats Mayor Pete to being possibly the first gay president, though he definitely wasn’t Out. Historians don’t all agree, but he lived with a guy before ascending to the White House.

Live about an hour from his house, Wheatland. They wink and nod about the possibility of his orientation.

Get the apples and oranges thing. I still put inciting an actual insurrection over the top.

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RT: Truth Social
Thank you!

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RT: Truth Social
What a day!

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Go fuck yourself you sexist piece of shit.


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