The Donald J. Trump — Live Tweeting/Truths & Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Jesus Christ shut the fuck up.

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Is that the crime where Texans murder, kidnap, and assault migrants?

RT: Newsmax (@NewsMax)
Trump’s Speech LIVE on Newsmax in 10 minutes!

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RT: Truth Social

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Sounds like he’s arguing for UBI

Not a single battery whipped at him, Philly’s getting soft.

This jerkoff paid $9,000 for those sneakers at auction.

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wtf going on Trump now scamming shoes to make a couple grand

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But not TRUMP Loans which were PAID OFF and PERFECT - But a $355 Million Dollar Fine by a Radical Left Judge!

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Thank you to all of the INCREDIBLE Law Enforcement Officers in Philadelphia today!

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I mean, supposedly they sold 1,000 sneakers for $399. How much could he possibly have made for that? Like, assume the sneakers were dogshit and cost like $10 to make and $5 to spray paint gold. So $384 left. Still costs to ship and stuff, so let’s say $360 left. At best the company takes $60 and he gets $300K. More likely he’s getting like $100-200K. Anyway, point is, he went to SneakerCon for $100-300K. Dudes supposedly worth a few billion, he owes like $500M in court settlements, and he’s hawking shitty sneakers for a couple hundred thousand?

No, someone else was grifting and roped him in. “Hey Donald, we’re going to set this event up at Sneakercon, you’re going to go talk to a bunch of young voters in Philly and try to do outreach, and we’re going to sell some new Trump sneakers to make sure your supporters show up. Sign here.”

And then he signed his name away, got like $50 a sneaker, some mope in his organization got like $100 a sneaker for facilitating it, and the sneaker company got the rest. That’s my guess.


Always with the fucking wraparound shades. At nighttime, no less.

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