The Donald J. Trump — Live Tweeting/Truths & Discussion Thread (Part 2)


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But as long as I’m not your President, I’ll continue to exploit these tragedies and block any legislation that would stop this “INVASION” to help my poll numbers.

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When conservatives parrot that immigration talking point, that all the scary brown people coming over are gang members and murderers,

I respond by saying that immigrants commit crimes at lower rates than native-born Americans. Is that still true? Anyone know where I can find that data?

it doesn’t matter if it’s true or not because they don’t give a shit


it’s 100% true, but i’m not up for finding it again.

The correct answer is it’s true and it doesn’t matter to them one bit.

These should get you started.

The results are similar to our other work on illegal immigration and crime in Texas. In 2018, the illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 782 per 100,000 illegal immigrants, 535 per 100,000 legal immigrants, and 1,422 per 100,000 native‐​born Americans. The illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 45 percent below that of native‐​born Americans in Texas. The general pattern of native‐​born Americans having the highest criminal conviction rates followed by illegal immigrants and then with legal immigrants having the lowest holds for all of other specific types of crimes such as violent crimes, property crimes, homicide, and sex crimes.

This may be the source material for some of the above, not sure:

They will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, believe that could possibly be true.

I was thinking the other day about being cursed with the need to be consistent and truthful in our statements. It’s a big disadvantage.


Yes a massive disadvantage. Also huge disadvantage to actually try to create or decide the “best” policy to address various issues as even among well meaning and intelligent people there going to be disagreements instead of just MAGA MAGA MAGA.

This is actually quite surprising considering how much crime is correlated with poverty and illegal immigrants having little access to the social safety net.

On the other hand, they live in constant fear of deportation over any little thing, so they’re terrified of interactions with law enforcement. They also may find poverty here more tolerable in relation to their journey here and the conditions they fled. I mean, walking hundreds/thousands of miles through unforgiving terrain and finding a way across the border sounds like some brutal, gnarly shit.

I am always in awe of these people and what they’ve overcome to get here. Talk about bootstraps. Conservatives should love these people, it’s just another example of how incongruent conservative talking points are.

here’s a pretty concise summary of why this doesn’t matter at all, buried in a much longer and mostly uninteresting article (this is about countering the “biden has dementia” talking point with the much more severe signs of decline Trump is exhibiting, same idea you have but on a different topic):

However, one must be cautious and understand that Trump’s apparent mental, emotional, and overall cognitive decline, and other indications of a damaged mind, are largely irrelevant to his followers. Donald Trump is a symbol more than a man. His MAGA people and other loyalists and voters ignore, reconcile, and more generally make sense of Trump’s apparent cognitive and speech difficulties by telling themselves that he is “just like them” and “speaks a language they can understand” because he is “authentic” and “not a traditional politician." By definition, the Dear Leader is infallible. Fake right-wing populism can be bent and shaped to accommodate any absurdity.

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Is this his latest angle to try to get the Georgia case thrown out or is it related to his “PRESIDENTS MUST HAVE TOTAL IMMUNITY” nonsense?

“New York’s Civil Lawsuit Against Trump Is Unconstitutional”

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