The Presidency of Not So Jacked Up Joe Biden: We Beat Medicare!

I uhhh… didn’t. I make a lot more than that. With the covid pause I never had to update my income so I just didn’t since 2019. I should look as to when I have to do it again. It will be soon most likely

We are so fucked.

Maybe saying good things are happening is a good idea?

Your takeaway is say more good things as opposed to the media as a structure being in the tank for Trump?

I feel like more press releases and MSNBC appearances isnt going to help when the NYT etc. is transparently normalizing extreme moron shit every day to normies while the psycho propaganda network keeps chugging simultaneously.

Donald has 9 months worth of Donalding to do at increasing levels of visibility. Polling this far out has essentially no predictive value.

I don’t want to take anyone’s copium prematurely, but Biden’s equity atm is deteriorating, not stabilizing let alone strengthening, and I’d be very surprised if they debate, so it’s going to be a basement/silo campaign for both, so I’m not even sure the public will ever get to see something like the debate last cycle with Chris Wallace to be uh reminded of what he was like.

I’ve been assured that this poll was turribly done.

Oversample Rs, olds, men, and phone respondents only.


My point is that they need to get out and push their own narrative. This isn’t 2010, they need to forcefully argue for their own ideas and manipulate the media into talking about. They should not, as has been argued in this thread, avoid talking about the economy because some people aren’t in great spots.

There’s probably something to the point that the GOP wouldnt hold off talking up an economy because a bunch of smelly poors are having a hard time, they just have to be shameless about it and not address concerns.

Dunno if they have that part in em.


Is this a smart idea? My initial reaction is “no”, but could be convinced otherwise.

I can’t see it (doing the interview) helping him personally. Everyone just wants to enjoy the fun not talk politics unless it’s to ridicule swift

Seems bad, it’ll just add fuel to the “too old to be president,” fire.

this is a nothingburger

literally nobody is going to get in the booth and think “yeah trump is pretty bad but brandon ghosted the super bowl, so…”

TrumpBot just offered to replace him for a ratings gold interview, since Joe is too frail or whatever.

It’s going to be a bad news cycle or two.

Biden should let him. Seriously. Trump doesn’t have a good appearance left in him. Biden can’t buy advertising like that anywhere.

yeah trump has drunk so much of the “biden has dementia” koolaid that he (and his team) haven’t even noticed how much he has declined himself. plus the fact that the buttons he mashes to get the fucking wackos who read his truth stream and go to his rallies won’t work with normies. He’s been in his own bubble too long.

normies do not care about a bud light ad from 200 years ago, they don’t care about trump’s whiny election crybaby shit, they do care about inflation but they know gas isn’t $7/gallon. Trump polls way better than anyone in this group expects right now because we all see what a fucking nutjob he is and most normies have been shielded from him for a while now and have forgotten.

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The man has declined enormously. If you gave him an interview he would bomb it disastrously. Biden’s team wants to hide him so he can’t fuck anything up and he’s cooperating with that… Trump very much isn’t.

It’s impossible to watch any recent Trump appearance and not instantly hammer the more and more public button as the other team. Even better the man simply can’t take it when things don’t go his way, so his tantrum will alienate even more people.

Go look up narcissistic collapse and then recall the dozens to hundreds of times you can recall it happening to Trump. Then remember that right now he’s a massively diminished version of the guy he was in 2016.

This is why I don’t take the current polls seriously (that and the obvious incentive the media/pollsters have to draw eyeballs vs get things right at this juncture). We’re way too far out and there’s way too much random shit that is going to happen between now and election day. So far the 2020’s have been very weird so I’m expecting very weird.

Haven’t we been hearing that Trump has dementia/has declined a ton mentally for about a decade now?

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