The Supreme Court: Clarence & Ginni Thomas Jet Set Edition

You’re right, it’s a federal judge. My mistake. Still, with the ability to judge-shop, it still ends up feeling like red states telling blue ones what to do rather than some sort of shared principles at the federal level ruling against blue states.

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And that is because of the sacred “blue slip” rule. Gawd the senate is just filled with dumb shit that allows minorities to dominate.

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isnt that by design? i don’t think it’s a necessarily bad thing. tyranny by the majority was/is a very real fear. look at our past failure(s) on web forums, for instance.

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No, it’s dumb Senate norms bullshit that the GOP ignored when it suited them:

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It’s like the filibuster. Been horribly abused that any perceived benefit is completely been displaced by LOLFUCKYOU.

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Again, is a pharmaceutical company going to continue to produce and ship products counting only on jury nullification as their safety net?

My main point here is that the average person has virtually no power in this regard. It’s in the voting booth, and that takes years to play out.

Tyranny by minority is worse, though. That’s what the Senate and the judicial system is providing.

Really depends on how much money they stand to make.

I think actually, at this stage, a District Court ruling would be limited to the particular district, with the Circuit being the next level of appeal up, which they’d have to go through before the case got up to SCOTUS. It’s honestly a little surprising to me is how quickly these ideologically motivated cases are finding their way into the federal courts in the wake of Dobbs, though. Like, it won’t take long before calls to overturn Eisenstadt v. Baird or Griswold v. CT hit the streets (or, you know, the smoke-filled back room where right-wingers congregate to concoct their evil schemes).

I thought random district court judges can & do make rulings that affect the whole country, like, a judge in Hawaii striking down Trump’s travel ban (hazy memory but I think that happened?) or these dipshit rural Texas judges who love issuing injunctions against Biden that apply nationwide.

It is often the case that higher courts will then stay the lower court order while the issue makes its way through courts, but that’s not a guarantee.

Federal government was a party to the travel ban case, so it didn’t matter which district court it was in. The feds were then enjoined from enforcing the ban.

Let’s say you have, for example, a state criminal case that is appealed to the 5th circuit because of a constitutional issue. The 5th circuit ruling would be precedent in the states comprising the 5th circuit. If the case is then appealed to the Supreme Court, the ruling would be precedent nationwide.

Good article about DoJ finally trying to do something about GOP judge-shopping, but also, what in the fuck took them so long:

The article makes a good point that, while there’s a rule (that’s clearly been flagrantly ignored many, many times) that “suits should be filed in the judicial district where ‘the plaintiff resides’” and “federal law provides that ‘an entity with the capacity to sue and be sued … shall be deemed to reside … only in the judicial district in which it maintains its principal place of business’” - so, Texas should not be filing federal lawsuits in Amarillo - that argument works only on technical grounds if enforced, so DoJ is also presenting a better argument:

I appreciate the author suggesting not one, but two arguments that the judge will wipe his ass with before saying fuck you, no

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Roses are red
Caffeine makes me wired
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Should have retired


Before she was dead

It’s not super clear from the wording but SCOTUS denied cert on this. You may have heard of this case awhile ago because the Onion filed a great amicus brief. If you were curious what happens when an immovable object (freeze peach) meets an unstoppable force (cops) in front of SCOTUS, there’s your answer.

non-paywall link

Very good article about the casual cruelty of the conservative justices, where 4 of the 6 were like “eh, fuck it, just let them kill the guy” to a man who received a death sentence via a process that’s been ruled unconstitutional.

Four conservatives still voted to kill this guy!

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Lynch v Arizona ?

The writers are making this up.

The irony of that name being railroaded to an execution.

Let me guess, all four are pro-life

Some good tweets about SCOTUS treating student loan forgiveness radically different from any other issue that comes before them