The Supreme Court: Clarence & Ginni Thomas Jet Set Edition

Yeah imagine California blocking off Trump admin officials from the border and how those 4 judges would rule lol

It’s obviously a 9-0, they’re flexing they can do what they want with no consequences.

There was no reasoning attached to any of the justices either so I guess they wanted to give ACB something for idiots at NYT to breathlessly cite when they’re going to take away someone else’s rights.

Latest from the psycho Fifth Circuit:

On 5-4 they often say that rights are meaningless without remedies. In this case, there’s a very bad Texas law on the books against “misuse of official information”, so Laredo police arrested a journalist under this law for releasing information given to her by a police department source.

Of course, this is a fake crime and the charges against her were thrown out, but there is still a giant chilling effect of harassment when police can arrest you for made-up reasons and throw you in jail in response to your exercising of your first amendment rights. And if you have no remedy when those rights are violated, what do those rights actually mean?

She sued the police department and the Fifth Circuit just threw it out:

She was appointed in 1985, so she’s been on the bench doing this work for 38 years, more than half her life. :harold:

MJS on the rising extremism of fake moderate Brett Kavanaugh, with his vote against federal supremacy and some similarly wild votes over the last year:

The far-right rapey Trump justice is siding with far-right reactionaries? No way! What happened to cause this change?

If you polled actual folks of Hawaiian ancestry there’s a good chance they’d happily leave the US.

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I assume the 300 rounds per minute is with a bump stock.

I can’t wait for the Boomers to die so we can just amend out the 2nd amendment. Dumbest shit imaginable in 2024. If the gun nuts had been reasonable and cared at all about lowering gun violence or safety that probably never would have happened, but Gen Z grew up with mass shooting drills. There is no possible way the 2nd Amendment survives their time leading the country whenever that is. It’ll probably get blown up when the millenials are in charge just to make the Gen Z demo happy.

You wanna go shoot deer I’m 100% fine with that. Your smaller caliber bolt action rifle will be fine. You wanna hunt birds? Your double barreled shotgun with birdshot will be fine. You wanna defend your home? I don’t give a shit you’re way more likely to shoot yourself with that gun (on purpose!) than you are to shoot a home invader. Buy a baseball bat.

Guns are tools for killing other humans. Full stop. They’re really goddamn good tools for their purpose. I don’t trust almost anyone to own one and would greatly prefer that there were far fewer of them in circulation.

No freaking way some white teenage boy with basically every mental disorder should ever have legal access to any kind of firearm. And before we say that they’ll just get one illegally no they fucking won’t. School shooters are not known for having the social skills to convince someone to commit a felony to sell them a black market gun.

I don’t even want regular beat cops to have guns honestly. I want their backup to be retired grunts who have the training to follow the rules of engagement / correct tactics even when someone is waving a gun around. If they do shoot I don’t want them to hit a bunch of innocent bystanders. I think until the number of guns in America goes down every police precinct probably needs at 2-3 man swat team, again composed entirely of vets who had combat arms MOS’s at a minimum and a good service record. But the beat cops don’t get guns. They’re lucky I’m letting them keep the batons with all the bullshit they’ve pulled with them.

Clarence Thomas getting to rule on the Insurrection Clause while being married to an insurrectionist is kind of hilarious.

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I have some bad news for you about those younger generations, I’m afraid.


20+ years in the future we’ll have had thousands more mass shootings. Could also get wrecked by a new SC ruling that the 2nd amendment is (and this is, in my opinion obviously correct) about state national guard forces being allowed to have real military equipment.

I feel like a lot of the people here seem to have lost track of the fact that the world has largely been advancing since roughly 1400. There have been reactionaries the whole time and as of now they haven’t actually made the world stop turning once. Actions have consequences, as unknown at the time of action as they may be. Also humans have a fairly short frame of reference. My great grandfather fought in the civil war. A lot of things have changed since then. (My great grandfather fathered my grandfather in his 60’s in 1907, my grandfather fathered my dad at 43 in 1950, my dad did not break the pattern by all that much)

We live in a world where they came up with and delivered a COVID vaccine in under a year. The world has tons and tons of problems to be sure, but not all the of the trends are negative, and we are not actually all fucked. Is it going to be a miserably interesting period in history we are living through? Yes absolutely. It is, however, without a doubt very very complicated.

Nothing in the past ever lasted forever, and nothing we’re dealing with today will either (except maybe climate change if we don’t get significantly more serious very very soon). If our global civilization collapses because of climate change, and it is looking increasingly likely that it will, it won’t be the first time humans ruined their environment and had their civilization collapse, it might not even be the tenth time.

The problem with these kinds of big picture pronouncements, as always, is that the further you zoom out the less detail you can see. Today on the ground in our own human lives that will probably end in at most 60-70 years for the youngest people here it can seem like nothing will ever get better/worse which leads to very counterproductive nihilism and/or overconfidence.

The world isn’t binary it’s much more complicated than that. Most stuff isn’t all good or all bad. There’s a certain number of particles of shit in every breath you take, and there’s a lot of really dark shit going on out there.

Don’t worry the problems of today will absolutely be replaced by the problems of tomorrow, and there’s no reason to think they’ll seem any smaller than today’s problems. They’ll just be different problems.

Sort of feels like there’s a better chance for a new Constitutional amendment requiring everyone to have a gun than repealing the 2A.

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I just turned on the tv to hear Justice Roberts saying (about having a single state determine an election result via ballot removal of a popular candidate) “well that’s a pretty extreme consequence blah blah blah…”

Every time I hear something like this I remember Justice Scalia refusing to consider any consequences to relaxing gun laws in DC: “You say thousands more people will die? Doesn’t matter, we must follow THE LAW!!”

Edit: man, Gorsuch is a real prick.

I got pretty mixed feelings about all this, does genuinely feel like going to be a problematic precedent if individual states start trying to boot candidates from ballots given that judiciary just another political branch

Sounds like it’s going to be 9-0 in favor of Trump. According to Elie Mystal, Kagan and Jackson did a better job arguing Trump’s case than Trump’s lawyer.

While that’s true…

  • laws do have meanings and it seems generally important to, like, follow them when it comes to things like insurrectionists trying to take over the country
  • as always, Republicans are not going to avoid destroying norms or doing bad shit just because Democrats haven’t opened the gate for them yet

I mean sort of, like I think it’s dumb we give so much deference to 2nd amendment. And if writers did a shitty job explaining exact mechanism for this amendment to be enforced saying it has to be Supreme Court or whatever doesn’t seem the worst outcome. At least if Supreme Court going rogue whole country openly sees it but if Texas boots Biden lot of people may not even notice

KBJ going hard in the paint for Trump right now.