The Supreme Court: Clarence & Ginni Thomas Jet Set Edition

Kind of a crazy article - a ton of right-wing legal arguments for guns have focused on this random survey shadily performed by a very random Georgetown professor who refuses to talk about it (and also, it’s dogshit work):

(gift link)

Ban on guns for people under domestic violence restraining orders upheld 8-1

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I’m kind of surprised they released that one today. Dumping the good PR case on a Friday doesn’t seem like an ideal press strategy, especially with a bunch of heinous shit still to come. I suppose it doesn’t actually matter since might makes right but JR is usually savvier than this.

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LOL Thomas, 32 pages of this:

A fire-arm regulation that falls within the Second Amendment’s
plain text is unconstitutional unless it is consistent with the
Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation. Not a
single historical regulation justifies the statute at issue, 18
U. S. C. §922(g)(8). Therefore, I respectfully dissent.

I aint reading all that.

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JLawOk, Clarence

Crazy that these SCOTUS abortion rulings keep getting leaked. No idea how this is happening!

In other SCOTUS news, they dropped a 6-3 decision this morning that bribery is actually fine as long as it’s done after the paid-for deed and isn’t an explicit quid pro quo:

Highlight from KBJ’s dissent:

Snyder’s absurd and atextual reading of the statute is one only today’s Court could love.

I gotta I generally eyeball the cost of a brand new truck/trailer setup at 200k per power unit. I don’t know anything about what garbage trucks cost, but unless I’m much mistaken they have the same frames as regular semi’s.

My best guess is the trucking company sold the trucks to city for ~2x what they were worth and then gave the mayor of the city a 2.6% tip lol.

So does this latest ruling mean we can start a go fund me to tip senators for getting rid of the filibuster?

If it was real I would be good for 5-10k without even asking my wife lol. Just an objectively good retirement investment. I’m very confident you could raise several million for this pretty easily.

lol they’re never applying this shit to democrats, like imagine they say absolute immunity for presidents then Biden orders Trump murdered. “It is axiomatic that an elected official may not use violence to interfere with the political process” - someone who let 1/6 rioters off

I agree of course, but I think it would be very good for everyone if they gave Presidents immunity and Biden without blinking had every major republican politician/donor bagged off to a black site never to be seen or heard from again. It’s quite literally what they’re publicly planning for the other side and giving the president immunity is a direct step towards legalizing doing it to us.

Our side should for sure start a fund to equally tip every senator that votes for filibuster reform. It should be tens of millions of dollars. At that point it forces the GOP to double back.

They pass a stupid rule our side needs to weaponize it immediately. The time for finding out was the day Biden got inaugurated. The fact that the guys in windbreakers weren’t there for everybody with no chance at anything resembling bail after they tried to overthrow the government on national TV is hugely bad for the health of the overall system and made something like that happening again extremely soon almost infinitely more likely.

I mean if vote buying becomes explicitly legal through this structure what is to stop a bunch of concerned citizens from pooling together cash to tip politicians for voting for whatever those private citizens want? This should unleash absolute chaos.

You used to need to wink wink nudge nudge know someone to pay them explicitly for doing what you wanted lol. We have tiktok. They just literally said that bribery is fine as long as you don’t pay them until after they deliver what you’re paying for. That’s pretty goddamn buyer friendly I’m in. Let’s corrupt some politicians for good I guess.

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This. Game theory. Just like California should be gerrymandered like crazy, it’s 52 seats and there are 12 Republicans. That should be like 4, maximum. That’s the difference in having a trifecta right now. The Republicans aren’t going to do anything because it’s right. You have to make them feel pain to what to do something. Then, you don’t disarm something that’s advantageous to you for nothing. You get something in return.

Like I bet you could create a straight up legal vehicle that was like a security that paid every person voting aye for a specific bill a certain amount of money. There wouldn’t need to be any trust involved you could just donate to the prize pool for any bill you wanted passed.

I mean yeah this is pretty grim, but at the same time it’s pretty close to what’s been happening the last 40 years, except now you don’t have to have enough money to put a k street firm on retainer to access it.

@Jman220 is this sounding remotely sane? Is this what they just did?

Wait until you hear about New York state.


Seeing something bad and saying ‘well we won’t use it because then calling to end it would be hypocritical’ is a very bad strategy. The right strategy is to use it right back so hard they think ending it is a push that will make everyone’s life better somehow.

When they go low we go high is the some of the worst political advice in history. The first time someone does something that is outside the rules you see if the law is going to get involved. When the law doesn’t get involved you immediately do it back. That’s just how the game works. Anything else is opting out of playing the game.

I am a little hopeful that the white supremacist nutbags who Trump very successfully lured out into public are going to get FBI’d super hard over the next few years. They’ve certainly handled that kind of work before back before 9/11.

I doubt it could be explicit in advance, those are the types of things that still have to be done quietly. And obviously if major progressive legislation gets done, that “gratuity” will obviously be treated as a bribe and the robes will smirk as they do it.

But yeah, the optimal play is still to force them to end it or at least draw an arbitrary line in the sand like “Well $13K is just a reasonable gratuity, $15K on the other hand… THAT is bribery!”

Kind of seems like it.

At first I thought this is good news

then I read this

and now I am confused

This is a weird one, and Matt Levine has written about it well - here’s his column today:

So this case is basically, should they be allowed to do that? Or no? This bounced around a few court levels with each level reversing the prior, up to and including SCOTUS deciding 5-4 along non-partisan lines today that they can’t do that.

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