The Supreme Court: Clarence & Ginni Thomas Jet Set Edition

I agree on the social media case and I also don’t know anything about the other one, but put me down for a 5-4 “presidents have immunity for ‘official’ actions but not personal ones” and sending it back to the lower court to hash out what that means.

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This is what will happen. They don’t want to actually rule on this and look like shitheads in the history books, if they can delay more they are absolutely gonna do it

Not based on the oral arguments I don’t think. He’s getting some kind of limited victory. Maybe not compete immunity, but it’s going to be messy. It won’t matter, his AG will dismiss all the charges next year.

Yeah it’s going to be this, but it’s going to be 6-3, not 5-4.

I could see 6-3, but the notorious ACB didn’t seem on board with the bullshit from the boys on the court during oral arguments.

Hah, I forgot ACB might join with the liberals on this one.

Joe should honestly go full Michael Corleone at the end of GF1 if they put the full presidential immunity thing in. What a wild and threatening thing for this court to say about that president. Full immunity lol.

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Corner Post sounds like a pretty bad one. 6-3 that you can sue over regulations whenever you damn well feel like it and aren’t barred by the previous 6 year statute of limitations. Now it’s 6 years from when you were injured by the rule. IANAL but sure sounds like you could just pop up a new business and “oopsie, I’m injured now!” and sue on regulations from the dawn of the republic.

6-3, he’s a god king.


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Would it be an official act as president for Biden to declare that Roberts, ACB, Gorsuch, Alito, Thomas, and Kav are all terrorists and sentence them to death?

To be clear, I’m not endorsing this, just asking the question.

The court in Part III of its opinion indicates that in this case “no court has thus far considered how” to distinguish between official and unofficial acts.

Moreover, Roberts continues, “the lower courts rendered their decisions on a highly expedited basis” and “did not analyze the conduct alleged in the indictment to decide which of it should be categorized as official and which unofficial” – and it wasn’t briefed before the Supreme Court.

So the Supreme Court isn’t going to make that determination now. Instead, it will send the case back to the lower courts for further proceedings, although it does offer some guidance.

Where do I go to get my prize?

Umm, was Sotamayor writing a blueprint or something here?

I mean, Biden is a demented 81 year old. Time for some very bold “official acts,” IMO.

(unless he says “this is official business” then he is)

Yeah the official acts test seems pretty damn loose. Also seems to imply that straight up bribery for a pardon is legal

This is already legal as long as you call it a tip instead of a bribe.



I think I’m more disgusted with myself for being somewhat surprised than anything.

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