Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I saw this yesterday - I wonder how many N-words per minute take place in these discussions

Obviously this case is about some dude killing a person with mental illness, but I’m surprised with all the general societal talk about homelessness/overdose/etc that there not more talk about one in my mind the big underlying issues causing societal tension. For like 600 years it was pretty expected that folks with severe mental illness would be involuntary housed / locked up in asylums for years/decades/life. We decided that was bad, so then for a few decades these folks increasingly went to prison instead, which we also realized was bad. Now they just living on the streets which is also bad.

Not that obvious. I know someone that thinks this is only a story because a white guy killed a black guy and something something media. this guy thinks himself intelligent.

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NYT with more reporting entirely lacking in self-awareness about how their own reporting has made the story a story

When Missouri lawmakers took up bills to ban transition care for minors, Chloe Cole, an activist from California, traveled to Jefferson City to offer her story as Exhibit A.

Matty is apparently not old enough, or not self-aware enough, to remember the infinite reach the gay lobby supposedly had in the late 90s/early 2000s

Oh look, Keedglesias needs attention.


This the thing that rustles me the most about Twitter.

Like duh, it’s essentially a tautological statement that doctors debate amongst themselves the best way to approach treating any condition.

If not for Twitter/etc if you were a journalist wanting to get into a national level discussion of something you probably atleast needed to do some research and work to make a novel point.

Now it’s just like, o here is a controversy, let me say one useless sentence and watch the engagement roll in

ETA I might have misread who said what but I think my general point still true lol

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Right. Any time scientists or doctors have a good-faith debate about the kind of care kids should receive, trolling asshats like Yggy can say “Oh! Looks like the science isn’t ‘settled’ after all!!”

You can run, you can hide, but you can’t escape his takes.

How about this puffy nonsense from the LA Times?

Is a four-day workweek as good as it sounds? California employees share what it’s really like - Los Angeles Times (archive.ph)

Gosh, I bet a four-day work week is better than a five-day work week, right? Four is less than five and I don’t like work so…

But wait:

Still, getting your work done in four days can be intense and stressful. ThredUp employees said it can be challenging to fit everything in so they can keep their Fridays free. Even then, several said they do still work a bit on Friday.
[ … ]
He often works up to 10 hours a day during his workweek…

So this is just the old “4 10s” work week, dressed up with some flowery verbiage about work/life balance, and topped off with the “unlimited vacation time” scam.

GTFO with this nonsense and wake me up when a real four-day work week (four eight-hour days) is on the menu.

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It’s never going to be on the table without a pay cut.

This is the Amazon model.

Stop using Amazon.

four 10 hour days still vastly superior to five 8 hour ones. Like yeah it could be better but it’s definitely a step in the right direction.

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Yeah I agree assuming you can unplug on the off day although probably only for one spouse if considering kids as after school childcare if both working 4x10 problematic unless you making hire a nanny type money

It’s the everything model. It’s the Starbucks model, the Chipotle model, etc, etc.

Those companies at least provide a service.

Amazon has killed all the small businesses and has such a stranglehold on product that they are destroying inventory.

I also doubt the culture at those places is as riddled with waste and dishonesty. Their employess aren’t pissing in bottles (yet).

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are you talking about amazon the entire entity or the ecommerce site? most of the internet uses aws in some way, and it’s actually a pretty good product to use (at least compared to google or microsoft, which is an insanely low bar)

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