Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Unreal both sidesing here


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On the one hand we have a president who is indicted for actively trying to overthrow the US government, and on the other hand, we have a president facing a partisan impeachment inquiry because he… checks notes has a failson. Who can say which is worse?

That’s the reason.


Oh ill give you some grueskin



Kind of reinforces the whole, “It’s a big club and you’re not in it” thing.

The opinion piece that NO ONE was asking for:


lol such a fucked up headline.

As a side note, I do eat waaaay less it’s ludicrous tbh


You’re taking it? Need a full TR.

In the health and fitness thread. Cliffs are that I’m down 8-9 pounds in three weeks so far. Food consumption is waaaay down. Overall feel good.

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TIL we have a Health and Fitness thread :harold:


NYT sees pretty much nothing but bad news in a great jobs report.

Inflation was bigly on the low end for a long time. It spiked and has since settled back down. It continues to be much lower in the US than the rest of the world.

Oh and a significant fraction of the runup in prices has gone into corporate profits, not lower level salaries.

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Ok I’m late to burger gate, but I was stuck recently choosing between mcds and subway and $12 for bigmac +medium fries seems kinda bonkers. That’s like 3 days worth of chicken for meal prep.

Oh man don’t let Big Chicken hear that or they are going to figure out people will pay more for raw bird meat.

About those chicken prices