Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


Oh my god when I die I want someone who hates me to write something like this.

Haters today don’t hold a candle to the old pros like Bron.

I really do appreciate people writing takes like this. Thanks to this bullshit I don’t read the opinion section of any paper anymore.

I can’t believe people ever thought people like this were smart.

I dunno, I think bunch of articles saying we definitely shouldn’t make fun of Trump is a great way to spread the word that he falling apart

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Who can forget all of the articles scolding anyone making fun of Biden’s speech issues

counterpoint: SHUT THE FUCK UP, NERD

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A lesson from 2016?

It’s also easy to recall how, in 2016, candidate Trump and his team encouraged coverage of documents on the Clinton campaign that Wikileaks had acquired from hackers. It was widespread: A BBC story promised “18 revelations from Wikileaks’ hacked Clinton emails” and Vox even wrote about Podesta’s advice for making superb risotto.

Brian Fallon, then a Clinton campaign spokesperson, noted at the time how striking it was that concern about Russian hacking quickly gave way to fascination over what was revealed. “Just like Russia wanted,” he said.

Unlike this year, the Wikileaks material was dumped into the public domain, increasing the pressure on news organizations to publish. That led to some bad decisions: In some cases, outlets misrepresented some of the material to be more damaging to Clinton than it actually was, said Kathleen Hall Jamieson, a University of Pennsylvania communications professor who wrote “Cyberwar,” a book about the 2016 hacking.

This year, Jamieson said she believed news organizations made the right decision not to publish details of the Trump campaign material because they can’t be sure of the source.

A lesson learned, or just publishing the shit when it hurts the left wing candidate and holding it when it’s the right wing candidate? Hopefully in the coming years, Dems learn to go on offense more against the media. The GOP constantly attacking the media for being biased against them makes the media more favorable in their coverage of the GOP in an effort to look nonbiased.


I mean I’m sure the media people making this decision earnestly believe this is a “lesson learned”, but here’s what happens when hacked material on a Dem is released:

  • hackers send it to Fox News or Newsmax or whoever
  • they obviously don’t gaf so they report on it
  • mainstream media is excoriated by conservatives for “bias” for ignoring YUGE STORY
  • mainstream media gives in and puts it on the front page of the NYT every day for months
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why would the source matter? If they can authenticate the material what difference does it make who gave it to them

so, three different groups have the stone emails? and so far nobody has even hinted that they think they’re bogus/manipulated?

if these people with them now won’t publish, there’s no reason to think the leaker won’t just make copies for another journalist, is there?

There’s an argument to be made that they shouldn’t do the bidding of a hostile foreign government. That said, any editor who’s not a moron should logically realize that if it’s verifiable and significant, it’ll get out - and once it does, they’ll have to report it then. So they might as well report it now.

+1. Yeah, this would be an expert play. And if done right would send his lawnmower to another galaxy.

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Similar to all of the articles with headlines like “JD Vance didn’t actually fuck a couch”


The fed should have started interest rates already.

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LOL Fox News, just throwing spaghetti at the Walz, hoping anything sticks:



Next meeting is the right time IMO, and they should signal a steady but not rapid decline, and say that the economy is strong and there’s no need for rapid cuts. If they make a big cut, they could cause a panic in the markets.